Hello from Hanover, PA

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Dec 12, 2011
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Hello all,

I am new to the wine making hobby. I have made 3 kits and would like to venture into fresh fruit this coming year. I live in Hanover, PA. My wife gave me wine making equipment and a class for my birthday last year. I look forward to getting to know everyone.

Any advice and tips would be welcome!

Dan Reppe
Hi Dan,

Welcome to winemakingtalk. Just love it when I see another PA'er sign up
Well Dan now that your wife gave you class :) you will fit in here real well. Although most of us have no class.

Welcome to the hobby. Pa has many orchards and fruit is plenty. Some things to keep in mind you need to get fruit that has lots of flavor and is sweet. Sometimes picking your own fruit doesn't turn out well unless you pick at the optimum time.

Purchase prof. grown fruit works especially if you know someone or can work out a deal on good prices.

Many fruit wines will need 5-6 pounds per gallon of wine. Less than that will yield a weak taste. Browse the forum and post any questions you may have. On our home page you will fine numerous recipes, tutorials, the map and more to assist you.

Looking forward to your endeavors here. Again welcome.
Hey Dan,
Welcome, Very new at this also but we are close, I am over near York. It is a great hobby.
Hello all,

I am new to the wine making hobby. I have made 3 kits and would like to venture into fresh fruit this coming year. I live in Hanover, PA. My wife gave me wine making equipment and a class for my birthday last year. I look forward to getting to know everyone.

Any advice and tips would be welcome!

Dan Reppe

Hey Dan! You and I are real close. I live in Thomasville and my wife was born and raised in Hanover.. Glad to have you aboard. Lots of good folks on here. I frequent Mr Steve's in York where do you get your supplies?
Hey Brian,

I just found out about Mr. Steve's in York around Christmas. I was out with friends having dinner and drove by it on the way home. Since I have been there and bought supplies twice.

I also get some stuff from Adams County Winery, Maryland Home Brew, or online at a supply store or Amazon.

I am happy to have someone so close!

Dan R.
Well if you need anything I would be glad to help you out but there are lots of good folks here that can help also. Also we have a wine lovers/makers club that meets at Mr Steves on the third Wed of every month 7PM if you would be interested. We all just talk about wine making and bring wine that we like or have made so others can try it. shoot me an private message and we can exchange emails to stay in contact if you want. Up to you..
Welcome! How fun. I am making my first kit now. Will you let us know what kits you have made? Are you at all drinking them yet?

What a nice and thoughtful wife! Like you, I am so happy to have found this forum. Already -- seems like such a nice group of folks! Carolyn