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President of Stay at Home and Do Nothing Inc.
Jul 2, 2012
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I am making a Northland Juice Cranberry Pomegranate wine. It is all going well. Started December 10th. OG was 1.08 temp was low at 68 so I warmed it up a bit and it started to take off. Nice foamy cap and plenty of fermentation. I am doing a twice daily stirring plus SG check. Today the SG is down to 1.057 with a temp of 74. My question is do you check SG first or stir first.i know goofy right. Thanks shelley
I just leave a hydrometer in the must and look to see what the reading is, then lift out and stir.
Thanks Julie. I had a little taste today and it was yummy. I also want to try a straight pomegranate wine too. We bought a bottle at a wine festival and it was really good. We are trying to get out of the all white hum drum we have been in and I figured this was a first step. All the commercial reds taste like cough syrup to us so I guess we like the sweeter reds, just can't figure out what they are. Shelley
Thanks Julie. I had a little taste today and it was yummy. I also want to try a straight pomegranate wine too. We bought a bottle at a wine festival and it was really good. We are trying to get out of the all white hum drum we have been in and I figured this was a first step. All the commercial reds taste like cough syrup to us so I guess we like the sweeter reds, just can't figure out what they are. Shelley

OMG that sounds awesome. Thay may be my next eqperiment.
I'd like to see how this comes out as well. I thought about trying something similar, and a while back I got some all natural organic smoothie boosters with acai berry. Not sure what it will do, but you gave me a great idea. I'll probably PM you about your whites. Interested in hearing about those, too.

I'm new so I like hearing what works and what doesn't.
I am making a Northland Juice Cranberry Pomegranate wine. It is all going well. Started December 10th. OG was 1.08 temp was low at 68 so I warmed it up a bit and it started to take off. Nice foamy cap and plenty of fermentation. I am doing a twice daily stirring plus SG check. Today the SG is down to 1.057 with a temp of 74. My question is do you check SG first or stir first.i know goofy right. Thanks shelley

I would stir clockwise for 2.5 minutes the reverse for 1.5 minutes the take temp. Step back three paces and wait for swirling to stop, stir clockwise three times, again watch and wait for swirling to stop the measure sg.
If your not happy with reading repeat above steps in opposite order.
I just leave a hydrometer in the must and look to see what the reading is, then lift out and stir.

That's what I do, works pretty good too. I made some cranberry wine from Ocean Spray Cranberry 100% juice (not 100% cranberry) and back sweetened with cranberry concentrate that really turned out well.
I would stir clockwise for 2.5 minutes the reverse for 1.5 minutes the take temp. Step back three paces and wait for swirling to stop, stir clockwise three times, again watch and wait for swirling to stop the measure sg.
If your not happy with reading repeat above steps in opposite order.
Ha are you trying to take over as site Smart @$$
Runningwolf said:
I would stir clockwise for 2.5 minutes the reverse for 1.5 minutes the take temp. Step back three paces and wait for swirling to stop, stir clockwise three times, again watch and wait for swirling to stop the measure sg.
If your not happy with reading repeat above steps in opposite order.

Ok so I tried the first success....drank a bottle of wine.....tried the reverse success....drank a bottle of wine.....stood on my head, jumped up and tried success....drank a bottle of wine.....spun in a circle , fell over....didn't care anymore. :)