Fulchino Vineyard

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go Al go - - -

all looks good and your plans sound great.

good luck

Will you be officiating Father Al?

Al Fulchino said:
next year..patio this yr and then i have to prep an area for three tents for a young lady and her fiance who would like to have their wedding reception here in august...then its harvest in sept and oct...get this neat story...she lives three miles from here...here and her mom walk by all these last four yrs...her grandmother owned a vineyard in oregon and everyone else had gotten married their...now its her turn and the vineyard was sold....she needed a vineyard :)now that is a beautiful story!
just hosting the reception, i will leave the wedding vow thing w people w a faster track to heaven than that of i :)
Welcome to my congregation my fellow wine brethren :) i can see it now....do i hve to be celibate :)
rrawhide said:
Etiam Abbas Al is videor ut vos can operor is totus!!

OK Al, you want the English translation.......

How bout - Al is smarter than Albert Einstein and just did a video of running a can opener while wearing a Tutu
Working on the Patio w help from a good friend and a young man trying to force broccoli on me


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