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I totally slaughtered them tonight!!!!! Must have caught 20 or more 30" striped bass! Thats not to mention about another 10 smaller ones before I got wise and switched over to the biggest lure I had which is a "Northbar" and the little ones disappeared. Last night I had on a huge 1 and lost it but no sign of him or her tonight. I have never run across a day like this ever from shore and am taking my brother there tomorrow for a treat as hes only ever caught big fish from a boat and I can almost guaranty they will be there tomorrow, Really. The fish are following the bait up there and they basically just git here and always stay for about 3 weeks. Never have the stripers been this thick up here though, they are stacked like firewood in here. I honestly couldnt even smoke a cigarette between cast and catch as 8 seconds in the water and Id have like 3-4 hits before Id even get the lure 1/2 way in and then BAM "Fish On"!
Nice little shiner Wade, but quit just showing the bait. Ya gotta display them like this so folks can see how BIG they really are!
I dont show them like that as then youll see the back ground and know where Im fishing and I know you wont b there (LOL) but many that live it CT would most likely know it not to mention. But if you want one of those here you go.

39 Striper.jpg
Now you are talkin Wademan! I realize those you showed before are about that big, but with nothing to compare to, they just don't look all that impressive. LOL
PS. I wish I was out fishing with you.
There not as big but not small at all and freakin awesome fun to catch. Im hoping to get another 1 of those soon. I had 1 on the other night that was that big as it was testing out the drag on my reel pretty darn good! Maybe tonight! I cant stop fishing now with them biting like they are and this place is a lot closer!
Went again tonight and not as good as last night but still great. Lost my big lure on the 3rd cast with a fish on due to being in a hurry and not untying a windknot in my braid. Got a good hit and yanked and the knot must have tightened up on itself and cut itself free. After that the fish went back to spuratic size as I had to downsize on lures. Only got about 10 and about 3 of them were in the 30" range compared to last nights 20 or so.
So is that 20 in the 30 inch range or 10 in the 20 inch range or 3 in the 10 inch range. LOL Sorry I couldn't resist. That and the pain killers may not have worn off yet!
Hey Wade, no trout in South Georgia. I do enjoy bass, bream, and catfishing though. I have a pond behind my house with plenty of all above mentioned fish. The rivers down here are fun to fish too. Good luck to you.
Yeah but you got them awesome peaches! Compared to places up north we dont have trout either, just bait as Rich would say. Id love to get up north and get me into some steelhead and salmon!!!!! Now that is real fresh water fishing although I havent done Pike either and we have them here decent.
Wade the folks in Pittsburgh come up here in the fall to buy fresh juice and then steelhead fish the rest of the day. They stock the little stream next to our winery and also have a hatchery about 400 yards down stream from us.
Sorry Ive been missing at night lately but the fish are in full force here. The other night I caught 57 striped bass in 2 hours and about the same or more tonight! Heres tonights biggest. Its a solid nice fat 34" and finally someone was there (friend) to take a pic. Didnt weigh it but Im guessing about 12-15 lbs.

Best 11-30-12.jpg