DangerDave's Dragon Blood Wine

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I followed that recipe for tropical daze. I used 3.5gms of medium toast French oak powder in the primary. Didn't have sticks or spirals. I didn't use a blend of yeasts I used 1pkt of 71B-1122 per 6gals of juice. Didn't use any lemon juice just the 2 cans pineapple juice. Everything else I did was the same except my fruit blend had strawberries instead of grapes. Oh and accidentally added 3 tbsps of acid blend instead of teaspoons.

We will be going updates on TD on the TD thread tho so as not to hijack this one :)
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Updates: lol
lets see
6 gallon batch of the fruit original. day 5 finished dry,adding sk today
6 gallon batch of mustang grape ...day 5 finished dry,adding sk today
6 gallon batch of peach port....clearing
3 gallon batch of mango..... ready for bottles
3 gallon batch of blackberry/strawberry....ready for bottles
6 gallon batch of strawberry.....ready for bottles
thats for the summer time drinking...

That's a lot of summertime drinkin lol you got lot of friends James?? Haha
carolyn, when you have a nice pool, and free wine...and its 100 degrees,
you have a lot of friends, and I do not mind at all, since the majority wears bikinis.....lol remember i live in a beach community.
carolyn, when you have a nice pool, and free wine...and its 100 degrees,
you have a lot of friends, and I do not mind at all, since the majority wears bikinis.....lol remember i live in a beach community.

Yup! That's what I assumed lol!
lol...living on an island....swimsuits (7) one for each day..Mantadory.
flip flops, mantadory, loose fitting crazy wild shirts, Mandatory.
You see men and women in swim suits every where...walmart, grocery store,movie theater,gas station, etc....
Ive even seen them change clothes in the parking lots...
Pretty crazy in the summer time...
Ya well bikinis stop traffic around here! Like don't dare mow your lawn, riding your mower in a bikini unless you want an accident in front of your house lol!
Wanted to rack my DB to clean carboy today so I can bottle it this weekend... couldn't even hoist any further than half way up my counter ugh! Have to wait til hubby comes home I guess! Sucks having to be dependent for some things! :m
Wanted to rack my DB to clean carboy today so I can bottle it this weekend... couldn't even hoist any further than half way up my counter ugh! Have to wait til hubby comes home I guess! Sucks having to be dependent for some things! :m

Replace the hubby with an All in One Wine Pump! The best wine making investment I made, except for carboys and hydrometer. The support Steve provides is fantastic.

This is especially true for you since you make so many batches of wine! Racking, degassing, filtering and bottling are actually fun and no carboy /primary lifting required.
Ya I'm thinking this is going to be much easier... but is this easy to hook up? I'd better look into it again, I don't think I want to go the whole house filter thingy...
carolyn, you will never know how you lived with out it...
there is nothing to hooking it up...if you can you can bridle and saddle a horse you can hook up the aio...........
I make no money on All in One Wine Pumps, nor do all of the extremely satisfied users on the AIOWP forum thread. Seriously, with the amount of wine you make it would be a real time saver. What made my decision to make the purchase, other than the raving reviews, was the trouble I had degassing a WE kit. I used spoons, paddles, whips, and a drill stir. Hours and hours later, it still wouldn't pass the puff test.

I bought the AIOWP and have had many wine making conversations with Steve. He is a knowledgeable wine maker and his support is unreal! The unit comes pretty much color coded as to what hooks up to where. The tubing are different sizes so it's hard to get it hooked up wrong. He now has a manual with pictures. One practice with water was all I needed for racking and bottling.

For racking, you can easily splash rack without the fear of oxygenation because its under vacuum and is pulling air/CO2 out. No carboy lifting as it transfers from primary to carboy on a table or at the same height on the floor. No waiting to siphon as its transferred from one vessel to another in a matter of minutes. The only caution is that you have to rack TO a glass carboy because a Better Bottle or plastic carboy will have the sides sucked in. You can transfer/rack from plastic but it must be TO glass.

I just love it for bottling. The same height in the bottles regardless of size or shape and no spillage! Make sure you get the bottling attachment, as its a small up charge and simple. Leave the full carboy on the floor and the AIOWP will fill to the same level and the excess goes back down to the carboy for the next bottle.

You can add the filter later housing if you decide. I really like the filter because it really gives the wine a nice polish and I haven't had any sediment appear in bottles. Each time you rack, filter and bottle, it removes CO2 from the vacuum. I just wish it would put corks in!

Give it another look and Steve does ship frequently to Canada. Send him a PM and he'll call you to answer your questions before you buy. His username is Vacuumpumpman.
Thanks guys for your information, I went and looked at the video again. That makes things easier... I already have a buon vino automatic bottle filler and a superjet filter system. I'm not in any way saying they compare to the aio... just will have to justify getting this thing after shelling out for the other two already. I got those before I knew about the aio. Maybe soon though, perhaps after my next bottling mishap I'll be ready to make the change lol
Maybe soon though, perhaps after my next bottling mishap I'll be ready to make the change lol

Oh, I smell Eau de DB in your future! :HB You can still knock a bottle over with the AIO to keep you in perfume. I do understand with having the other filter and bottling. I got lucky and read about the AIO on this forum before I invested in other equipment.

I know DangerDave did a comparison somewhere with his Vino filter before going the whole house filter route.