Cleaning 6 gallon carboy?

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Senior Member
May 17, 2013
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I have a 6 gallon carboy that someone gave me so many years ago. It was setting in my storage shed for a long time. I finally got it out but I noticed that it has a brown ring inside that is halfway from the top. I have tried putting hot water and dish-washing liquid in it and allowed it to soak for a couple days to loosen up whatever it is that's in there but it's not coming out. Can anyone tell me how I can get this stubborn stain/ring/film out? I need something that I put in there and actually scrub the ring.

Any suggestions?
Here is a link for a carboy brush.

You can also get a cleaning wand that fits in a hand drill. They sell them for both bottles and carboys.
I also use pbw as a cleanser to help get rid of the buildup. Oxiclean also works well in getting rid of stubborn stains and label removal.
Here is a link for a carboy brush.

You can also get a cleaning wand that fits in a hand drill. They sell them for both bottles and carboys.
I also use pbw as a cleanser to help get rid of the buildup. Oxiclean also works well in getting rid of stubborn stains and label removal.

WOW!! Thank you VERY much. That is perfect!!!!
You can try unscented oxy clean as well. The "oxy action" my get that ring out.
Don't use hot water, you are taking a huge risk of the carboy breaking. I agree with Boatboy, get some oxyclean and let it sit a couple of hours, no need to rush, the stain will come out.
I am so bad! The only thing I agree with is the oxi-clean being awesome. But I hate those brushes and think they're useless AND I always use hot water!

I would give the same advice as above so...DO AS I SAY AND NOT AS I DO!

Sorry, I've heard all the warnings about hot water and believe them, but I've never had a problem and it works. Yes, I use caution with cold carboys. As far a the brush goes, I just never could get a good scub out of them in the bottle. I would really like to try one of those Julie use to sell (that she promised she was going to get me one :ft) that fit on a drill and spin.
I agree with most everyone here

Warm water with oxy clean and the Carboy cleaner is the best !! I really can't imagine that I ever had a clean Carboy until after I used one of these, The brushes are useless and I threw mine out as they were taking up space and not being used.
Putting hot water into a carboy, again, I do not recommend. Dan you are very cautious when you clean your carboysso I understand why you would use hot water and you did throw in there a disclaimer "Do as I say not as I do."

James if using very hot water works for you that is fine but that is not a safe method of cleaning and I am concern that someone else might try this and get hurt!

Wade has his hands full right now but hopefully he can come on here sometime and explain what happened to him.
Julie is right (kinda sorta). I always start off with cool water first then adjust to hot water. The ultimate best tool I ever bought (and cheap) was the Buon Vino Spray Wand for Carboys. It is freaking awesome.

I find that a small microfiber towel fits inside the neck of the carboy very easily when it's wet. Add a small amount of water and some one step and hold the carboy on its side and slosh it around. The action scrubs the inside of the carboy very nicely. If you still need more scrubbing, use a dowel with the towel and scrub the spot. Always works for me and the cloth comes out easily.
i wish someone would point out the dangers of using hot water in a very heavy thick glass carboy....we use hot water dailey in baths,showers,dishwashers,sinks etc.
the only thing i can think off is, getting scalded, are breaking from going to hot and cold too fast,etc.
I think it was Lon (Skeeter Man) that did experiments in college with hot water and glass and proved over time how it had affected the strength of it. Maybe he'll pop on here or someone else that knows better than me with actual facts.
That would be great, my glass carboys are very thick, my hot water temp is at 120 degrees....
there usually full , but i have washed a few times.
on the other hand, I have wine glasses,cocktail glasses,drinking glasses, that have been through the dishwasher 1000s of times. Dishwasher water temp is about 180 degrees with a 220 degree heated dry cycle.
I think that the hot water worries are a little silly.
Not arguing with you are disagreeing...
just saying....
This works for me. Being the tightwad that I am, I made this out of a polybutylene sink supply line and a dishrag. I cut slits in the rag and attached with a cable tie. The line is flexible and using with a cordless drill, it gets to all parts of the carboy. It slaps the sides like a car wash.

This works for me. Being the tightwad that I am, I made this out of a polybutylene sink supply line and a dishrag. I cut slits in the rag and attached with a cable tie. The line is flexible and using with a cordless drill, it gets to all parts of the carboy. It slaps the sides like a car wash.

WOW!!! I'm a tightwad too. LOL.

I love that idea.
Don't use hot water, you are taking a huge risk of the carboy breaking. I agree with Boatboy, get some oxyclean and let it sit a couple of hours, no need to rush, the stain will come out.

Whoops. Thanks for that tip about the hot water. I won't do that again. I will get the oxyclean and let it sit.
I like the homemade Carboy cleaner !

I have the Carboy cleaner and I will not look back to a brush again