Wine from canned fruit?

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Jan 28, 2013
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“Jim, don’t eat that! It’s moldy and you’ll get sick… or worse!” This came from my wife, as she noted a white film covering the peach slices I was about to put on my oatmeal. I hastened to advise her that the white film had been on those peaches for at least a week already, and I’m still standing. “Well,” she replied, “go ahead, but if it kills you I’ll be the first to say, ‘I told you so.’ ”

The subject peaches come in a six-pack of glass jars from Costco, and are unusually tasty for ‘canned’ peaches. I generally spill the jar out on a plate and cut the slices into smaller bits, which I store in the fridge. The white fungus (or maybe just bubbles, as it wipes right off) develops over a couple of weeks while the peaches sit in their covered dish. A quick rinse takes most of the film off the fruit, but in the process of spiffing it up I noted a fragrance not unlike that which one encounters at a winery. Indeed, it appears that some degree of fermentation sets in on these peach slices despite their storage under refrigeration.

This made me wonder what sort of wine might be made from canned fruit that is obviously unaccompanied by much in the way of preservatives. Also, whether the fermentation noted might be the result of ‘native’ yeast, or some interloper subsequent to the canning process. If anyone has experience in this arena, I’d be most appreciative of their input. My recent attempts at totally-on-premises wine have been thwarted by grape-ravenous raccoons.
Weeks in the fridge!? We should start a pool for when your wife will finally say, "I told you so."🙂
It's probably mold, probably harmless. If it becomes colorful that's a different matter, suggesting bacteria.
You can certainly make wine from canned fruit but I've had very few that were tasty. Usually some form of "cooking" is involved during processing (for preservation) and that can change flavors. If you're happy with the flavor then go ahead.
I've made wine from my homemade jam that turned out really well. I wouldn't do it regularly but it's a great option to free up shelf space.
And I wonder if what you think is fermentation is actually decomposition?

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