Brewer trying winemaking

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Sep 1, 2012
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Hi Guys,

So just an introduction. I've been making home brew all grain beer now for about 2 years and felt this year I would try my hand at making wine. My Captain at the firehall makes wine from scratch and has been doing it for years so it didn't really take much convincing. After letting it out that I was going to try it, my two neighbours jumped on board and so there will be the three of us. I just bought a used 45g wine press for 375 that was in great condition and my capt gave me a used oak barrel that he said was still good. I also placed an order for a good PH meter and a refractometer. I've wanted both of those for my brewing anyways so it was a good excuse. We still need some more carboys and a few primary fermenting bucks but I think those shouldn't be to hard to come by. I'm really looking forward to learning about the wine making process and hope to be doing it for years to come. Any tips you guys might have for someone starting up and planning to make wine from scratch would be much appreciated.

Hi Matt,

Welcome to winemakingtalk. I think you have a good start already with your experience in beer making. Keep us posted on what you do.
Welcome to our site and feel free to ask any questions you need to and dont be afraid to chime in and help us with any brewing questions as we can always use some help answering questions on that. Glad to have you aboard!