WineXpert 2nd Choc Rasp Port

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Ok. Today is the 3rd day of fermenting. Wade, you think I should add some or all f-pack now? Stir it in lightly? Then dextrose in 2-3 more days?
This 2nd kit is going really well. Introduced the dextrose in 3 installments. SG did great all along. I have a brew belt on a timer this time. Temps gave been upper 70's. started Jan 1, and gonna rack to carboy later Sunday! Didn't get stuck...yet. Lol
I am curious. I had no problem with the OCP when I added all the dextrose at one time. Have they made a change to the kits?

At one year the CRP was very drinkable actually it was before a year. I don't recall exactly when but I think it was around 6 months when we started drinking them. We did not fortify it, FWIW.
i started my crp on jan. 1st as well.....started out in my parent's basement (as that is where i have had to move operations since getting the little guys), and so far have done 2 dextrose additions.....was a little nervous at first as it didn't "seems" to be bubbling as much as the muscat i had going right next to it, but when i racked the muscat, i checked the s.g. on the port, and was pleasantly surprised at how much the s.g. had dropped since the 1st dextrose addition, so went ahead and added the 2nd....just to be safe, asked mom if there was a place upstairs i could stash the carboy....she had no problem with that...that was thursday, so tomorrow it's time to go check the gravity again and probably add the final dextrose far so was funny though, as both my mom and gf were disappointed a little when i told them it probably won't be ready for about a are dying to try that one....said i'm shooting to have it unveiled for christmas...just want to age it first for 6 months, then probably fortify with brandy, and age another 6 months....i figure it'll be a better product that way....
G8Keeper, I've learned from these port kits. For some reason you hardly see any visible sign of fermenting. This is where you need to check the SG and keep it WARM. I've had an Amarone ferment like there's no tomorrow. This port looks dead next to that. Good to know what to expect. Good luck on an excellent kit. Tell mom y'all can sample some for Christmas-in July.
G8Keeper- are you in carboy already, or still on bucket? I'm still in bucket. No hurry to rack. Sunday will be 13 days. Cheers!
G8Keeper- are you in carboy already, or still on bucket? I'm still in bucket. No hurry to rack. Sunday will be 13 days. Cheers!

still in bucket....first couple of days, s.g. definitely seemed a little slow to drop....i'm not rushing this i said, temps were a lil cooler in the beginning, being the basement and all....just wanted to take time with the chapitalization.....didn't want want to over burden the yeast....i'll have in a carboy in a few more days....
if it hadn't been for doing the step feeding, i probably would have been in a carboy i said, i'm just not rushing this one....but thanks for the tip about it looking dead as fermentation goes along....i was afraid at first that the cooler temps were the hinder, but like i said, i checked the gravity a few days after the 1st dextrose addition and was surprised at how much it had dropped considering what it was at when i decided to start step feeding....good luck with urs as i side note, and i had mentioned it to wade before, i was surprised as there was no water addition to bring this one up to 3 gallons, like other we specialty kits that i have done in the past, not to mention what the starting gravity of the juice alone was.....
I started this one in November as a double...MIL loves it already, can't wait to see what it's like in six months! I followed the directions and don't think this one is too sweet as it stands. I still haven't decided on adding any brandy to it.

Any suggestions as to what type of brandy to add? A fifth per gallon seems like a lot, but who am I to judge?
well i figured, if you guys don't mind, i'd continue to piggy back on this thread as well....saturday i made my last dextrose addition, and last night racked from primary to a carboy....the regular port wine so far has a nice taste to it with a touch of sweetness still....but you could definitely feel the warmth from the increased alcohol content in ur chest as you swallowed, associated with a good port or brandy....this one definitely seems to have the makings of a very nice wine....and now after tasting and feeling the alcohol warmth, i'm a lil on the fence as to whether or not to fortify with brandy later on down the line....thoughts???.....comments???...suggestions???...:a1
Hey g8keeper: I know what you're saying. Mine, too, had a good port like alcohol level at this stage. I did ad all f pack that first batch. This time I may go 1/2 or more. It is sweet, but would we miss out on flavor by not using f pack? What to do.
well, added stabilizers, f pack, and clearing agent last night....can't believe how much i had to draw out of the carboy to make room for the out what i THOUGHT would be enough, and started adding the about 2/3 of the way, and had to draw out MORE to have room for the rest and the clearing out a whole 4 cups worth out....but that was good, cuz that gave me enough for a tester for my parents, and have a tester to take home to the liked the prelimenary results, even though in the tester it was mostly just straight port with just a touch of the flavoring, as only a slight bit was drawn out after starting to add the f-pack...but i think i have resolved my "to fortify or not" dilemma....i figured i will bulk age as is for about 6 months, and see if how much of the early alcohol "bite" mellows out....yes, i know it is high alcohol, and you are going to feel moreso than actually taste the alcohol, but i am sure even some of this ages out as time goes by....and at that time, i will make the determination as to whether or not it needs the brandy...but i have to admit, even though it is young, and higher abv, i wouldn't say the alcohol taste is actually that of a "hot" does seem to actually be very well balanced...definitely looking forward to how this is going to taste when all is said and done....
Hey Ken. Glad to hear of your success. Sounds like yours will turn out fine. I'll hopefully fo the same to mind tomorrow when I get back home. SG wasn't low enough on Thursday. I too have a FULL carboy. Will need to extract a good bit. What was your SG? Mind was only 1.016. Looking for 1.010 of less.
Hey Ken. Glad to hear of your success. Sounds like yours will turn out fine. I'll hopefully fo the same to mind tomorrow when I get back home. SG wasn't low enough on Thursday. I too have a FULL carboy. Will need to extract a good bit. What was your SG? Mind was only 1.016. Looking for 1.010 of less.

believe it or not, i was actually surprised because it was actually pretty darn close to 1.000, maybe just a hair still had a touch of sweetness to it....unfortunately i didn't take a sample to taste out of the carboy once the full f-pack was added and mixed in....but like i stated in my prior post, the plain port itself was still pretty tasty as it was, and definitely had that warming sensation in the chest, normally associated with brandy...once again, gonna let it age a bit and seem if any of that tames down before i make the final decision to fortify any further or not...
Has been at 1.016 for 5 days. I'm now degassing and stabilizing. Gonna bulk age for 5 months or so.
Has been at 1.016 for 5 days. I'm now degassing and stabilizing. Gonna bulk age for 5 months or so.

good job WAG....and it looks like you have the same plan as i do about bulk aging AND THEN deciding whether or not to fortify with