WineXpert WOOT! Started my first batch.

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Good job!
well I am going to bottle on Friday, I plan on letting this age for more then 6 months, I have heard that you need to add more k-meta to the wine if you plan on letting it age. How much do k-meta do i need to add? How do I add it to the wine and when do i add it?

I bottled this past Sunday. I added 1/4 teaspoon to 1/2 cup of water, added that to my fermentation bucket with the spikit and then I ended up filtering my wine from my glass carboy into the bucket. With that much agitation, it easily blended it into the wine.

From there I then bottled. A lot of folks here rack to their primary fermenter with the spikit and then bottle direct from there. I ended up using a siphon only because I'm still new and trying to figure out what size tubes I need at any given point. The tube I had wouldn't I used my siphon and a filling wand and it actually worked out very nicely.

Remember to take pictures!
I take out a 1/2 cup of wine and add the k- meta to that and stir it in and then add it back to the wine. 1/4 tsp per 6 gallons is correct.
wade said:
I take out a 1/2 cup of wine and add the k- meta to that and stir it in and then add it back to the wine. 1/4 tsp per 6 gallons is correct.

Can I do this as I rack into the primary bucket right before bottling?
Alright guys I got the bottles cleaned, sanitized, filled, corked, capped, and labeled all thanks to the valuable infor provided by you guys. Enjoy the pics.


Bottles waiting to be cleaned and sanitized^


Sanitizing the bottles^


Transfered the wine into the primary bucket so I could use the spigot^




Filling the bottles^


Corking^ (this was actually my favorite part :))


All the bottles after being corked^


Putting the shrink caps on the bottles^



Thank you all so much for you help, without you guys, George and this forum I would have been SOL!

Thanks again.


Comments?Edited by: Scubaman2151
scuba do you know what your abv is on this batch or anyone whos made a island mist where do these kits finish off about?

Edited by: acesover
Hey PWP, earlier in the post you mentioned that you picked up the Aussie Riverland Reserve. Any word on this kit? My wife loves sweeter wines, especially Moscato or Muscat based wines. I see that this kit has Muscat as part of the blend. I am struggling between this and a Riesling at the moment. She likes both so I'm trying to get all the upfront info I can get. Thanks.
usually most kits finsh out semi/dry,reislings are usually the sweeter of the too ,however muscato is used to make ASTI i,and thats sweet,no matter anyway there kits and will finish out semi/dry unless stated on the box,if there not sweet enough you can always backsweeten them also,at least thats my view////
Ok guys well I had entered this kit into the 2008 International WineMaker Competition and I just got the tasting notes back from the judges. I wanted to enter this wine into the competition becuase it was the only one I had that was "aged" enough to be considered, I also wanted to enter it becuase I wanted to see where I started at in wine making and how I progress, so onto the notes.

The points I list will all follow like this: Appearance (max 3), Aroma and Bouguet (max 6), Taste (max 6), Aftertaste (max 3), Overall Inpression (max 2). So the first number I list will correspond with Appearance, the second number with Aroma and so on.

Judge 1: 3, 2, 2, 1.5, 1. total of 9.5/20. I think this judge said there was aspargus in the aroma, but I dont know for sure as I cant read his hand writing.

Judge 2: 3, 2.5, 2.5, 1, 1. total of 10/20. This judge said that the aroma had S02 in it, what does this mean? He also said the taste was flat, what could this be caused from?

Judge 3: 3, 3.5, 3, 2, 1. total of 12.5/20. This judge said the aroma had some sulfur, I think this is also s02? Also said the aftertaste was a little sweet but pleasent.

I think I didnt do terrible especially for my first wine ever.

ScubaEdited by: Scubaman2151
As for Asparagus all judges in my opinion like to throw a vegetable in tasting. 2) There might have been a little C02 left in suspension that can be tasted and everyone who starts out making wine will most likely do a poor job pf degassing a wine due to lack of knowledge and or lack of time and equipment to do the job right. Ax far as flat goes this wine being a Mist kit and not upping the abv and maybe even not sulphiting it properly might be a little past its time because these wines dont have a great shelf life due to low abv's. I think overall you received pretty good ratings for a kit that was really meant to make and drink fast. Good job Scuba!
well its a start,if you want to be your own judge what would you honestly rate thisproduct , it isn't concidered a true wineyet theirs a growing market for this style of refreshment,can you taste what they tasted? when isend my wine to some one, i don't know, it has to be as right on as possible ,and that comes from time,wade knows what i'am talking about,sometimes judges can be to cridical and sometimes their right on but you have the final say,,example,my red rassberry won professional choice,yet the peoples choice it came in second,my freascti came in first as a peoples choice and second with the pro/judges,red plum came in first with both judges and people all in the same contest,so go figure,keep at it read the findings learn to adjust your product on the fly and continue to be competive thats cool//if you go to cal davis webe site they have an aroma and taste wheel download it it is a great tool and it will direct you to where you taste and smell are leaning towards //try it my fine vine friend////let me know what you think////jobes a good judge of taste also//ask him about the findings

hey Scuba - be happy - - -

my one entry came in with a 8.9/20 so I am calling it acceptable. but good to see the notes and comments which is what I expected. Kinda fun and next year my wines will be one year older - that is if I can keep my hands off of them. Good luck to you too.

Lol thanks for the responces guys. I now know at least what they look for when judging and that will be a big help in itself. I have to make sure to save a coupe bottles of the Mezza Luna and the Red Zin for next years competition. I also plan on enter this Sav Blanc in a few of the local competitions around here just to see what happens.


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