WineXpert Wine Smell

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Senior Member
Jan 9, 2013
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Ok... I know we talked about this over and over but this is killing me.... This is my second kit that has done this to me.... I usually use fresh juice or grapes but occasionally make a kit from time to time for fun. None of my juice or grapes have ever come up with this but it is my second kit that recently has. I have a WE kit of Sangiovese that is about 10 months old. Been in the barrel for a few months and now has been in the carboy for a couple. The levels are ok as far as ph and so2. But I opened the carboy up to take a taste last night and the wine has a distinct odor from it that is not pleasant at all. The best description I can say is it almost smells like a chemical.... Like the smell of kmeta in the wine. But I know it is not since the level is not that high. Taste is off as well since our smell effects our taste so much.... It feels like I can taste it. I am thinking of trying some Reduless in it to see if it could be an h2s problem..... The last kit was a Merlot with the same smell..... Is this what kits do? Again, I usually don't make them so most my experience is with juice and grapes and never had this..... Anyone ever have this smell come up in their kit wine before?
Nope...must be you!

Seriously, some people have a much higher sense of taste, smell, etc.

My sister is considered a "super-taster" at the newspaper she works at so that she does reviews, but I can't tell the difference between ground chuck and Angus beef!
Are you concerned about putting kit wine into barrels that were used for wine that have undergone Milf?
I have had the same issue with same kit as you. I thought maybe I had not cleaned all of the sanitizer off but it tastes exactly as you described.
Don't think so..... More like a chemical....

Sent from my iPhone using Wine Making
I notice the same thing with my kit reds, but it goes away after about 18 months or so.


Sent from my iPad using Wine Making
I think the WE kits are more prone to that chemical taste (kit-taste). It does go away in time. My best Pinot (WE Sonoma Valley) was lousy until 18 months in the bottle. Only one left and I'm hoarding that one.
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I have now done two of the new WE kits with grape pack and two of the new Eclipse kits. Both have practically eliminated the off smell and taste referred to as kit taste.

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Wine Making mobile app

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