Wine Log Database

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SB Ranch

Senior Member
Jun 12, 2007
Reaction score
As I am gaining materials, information and stock I realize there is a great deal of information to keep track of. I was considering using a purchased program. To-date I have used Excel spreadsheets which have worked fine.

Amphora is one I have been reviewing but I would like to know if there are others out there that have tried programs like this? It's nice to have all your information in one source but from what I see the programs can be lacking in ability or offer way too much.

What is your experience and view with any purchased program you have tried?

Edited by: SBRanch
I use a program made by one of our members here on my Pocket PC which is pretty decent.

On my desktop I just use excel spreadsheets. If I would ever sit down and take the time to learn Access I would make up a database program to use. I started one that wasn't too bad but still needs a ton of work.
I use vinter 6.0 it's for a Palm Pilot, it works great, and cost about $20. You can only use it on a Palm...
We will be showing our new log off in several months. Unfortunatley, it will use Access, but I think you will be impressed.
Do you have some design information on your new DB? I was going to do the same thing using Access but have not had the time, or the wine knowledge...
geocorn said:
We will be showing our new log off in several months. Unfortunatley, it will use Access, but I think you will be impressed.

has it been several months yet?

geocorn said:
It is turning out to be more of a chore than I thought.

crap.....well, I guess I'll do one myself or purchase that Amphora thing.....
I have done my own using a database made for my Mac. I use it to track not only the winemaking process but also my recipes and inventory.
Iuse Excel spreadsheets for batch records and take a look in the wine cellar to see what is in inventory.
Gee...I am really low-tech...I write in a tiny binder notebook...just the date/ingredients/S.G./rackings and bottling dates.....I feel so inferior...

Inventory would be good...I counted bottles last month and it was over am not going to count again till I get rid of some....
I too dont feel the need for such a program. I use a tag on each carboy with date started, recipe, and all rackings and anything else such as added SO2. When done I hang this tag up on a done hook that I can refer back to if need be. i do right my recipes down on my computer and save it in my email saved box so if my comp. crashes I can retrieve these from any computer and also have them backed up on CD-RW.
Smokegrub said:
I have done my own using a database made for my Mac. I use it to track not only the winemaking process but also my recipes and inventory.

do tell! Did you use FileMaker?
I feel so out of date. I use this program called paper and pencil. I need to get off my butt and learn pen and paper I heard that is a really nice upgrade to the old pencil program.
I have the same system,I just upgraded to # 3 lead ,,hatted to give up the #2 ,used it for so long ,well one must except change

I have filled up one 'hard drive' with the first 100 files, that is my 'recovery' system... now have 62 files on my new hard drive...will have to backup some files soon and I don't need 3 hard drives.

I use a ball point pen which is a mistake most of the time.


I hope most of the mistakes are in the book. As you can see I do a lot of scratching out. One of these days I may get used to using these charts.
I'm glad you guys are so proud of your rejection of technology. Now, explain to me again why you are on the internet and forums? Shouldn't you be writing out your messages on paper and sending them to each other via stagecoach?

trashy said:
I'm glad you guys are so proud of your rejection of technology. Now, explain to me again why you are on the internet and forums? Shouldn't you be writing out your messages on paper and sending them to each other via stagecoach?




After Waldo lost his log book I started Posting my recipes here and at ....then I can at least recover the recipe partOnLine.
No, I use Helix Rade because it is so easy to use and because I am very familiar with it. I have Filemaker, and I did a couple of simple databases with it but I found it difficult to use even though I bought and read two textbooks on its use.

I am anxiously awaiting the rewrite of Helix for OSX since as of this date I can only run it on a Mac with OS9.