Whats the normal lifespan of a Kit (W/ grape skins)

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Senior Member
Jan 27, 2012
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I’m tempted to get in on a deal lasting another day or so but I wasn’t sure how long kits generally last before the juice/ingredients go bad. I figure I can look at the yeast container and make the kit prior to that going bad.

Anyone know what the lifespan is? The kit in question has grape skins if that helps.

That will depend on the amount of concentrate as well as red or white comes into play here as well. Most kit manufactures put out straight concentrate kits that are good for two years on the shelf as long as storage temperatures are not too high. Kits go down for shelf age for better quality kits less concentrate shorter shelf life. The storage conditions must be kept cooler to prevent oxidization of the juice this is where there is a large difference between a red and a white. Most kits that have a lot of juice and not much concentrate the recommended shelf life is 8 months from the time they are boxed at the factory. The code on a kit is the date it was made and time starts from there. Each manufacture has their own way of writing the code. RJS goes year month day. Wine expert is a number code with a short form date so you find the year and so many days in the year is when the kit was made. Yeast date is another thing all together.