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holy smokes!! thats a fantastic deal!!! i pay over a dollar a bottle!! nice snag!

runningwolf gave me the heads up about a winery that sells them at that price. Totally thankful for that one! Just wish they had more than 2 cases for sale!

There are a few bars around that save me bottles for free. One in particular has on average 8-12 bottles for me a week if I remember to go pick them up and they remember not to throw them to the recycling.

Paying for bottles is always worse than getting freebies but I want this next batch to match (for a wedding). I wish I had more wino friends to help me stock up!!! :d
Wow, all the wineries I go to give the bottles to me free although $4 aint no bad deal either!
Yeah they are charge 2 bucks a case here BUT.....do your wineries offer free tastings. Also the one I turned Daisey on to lines about 30 bottles up on the bar and you help yourself. You don't even ask can I try this and can i try that. You help yourself. It also works for them as you end up trying more stuff and also buying more.
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Today I continued to make a waterfall for my KOI pond. Looks like I need to thin them out as there are 20 "new" ones.
Today I continued to make a waterfall for my KOI pond. Looks like I need to thin them out as there are 20 "new" ones.

Tom that a really cool hobby. I got out of it about ten years ago. I use to give seminars on water gardening at garden centers here and in Pittsburgh when I was into it. I am helping a friend put one in now. My wife keeps asking for one but I am not ready to get back into it again yet. Before we met I had four ponds going at my old house. I also had 20 aquariums at the time also.I had propagated over 100 aquatic plants and use to breed fish also. All of that humidity is not good for a house.
Yeah they are charge 2 bucks a case here BUT.....do your wineries offer free tastings. Also the one I turned Daisey on to lines about 30 bottles up on the bar and you help yourself. You don't even ask can I try this and can i try that. You help yourself. It also works for them as you end up trying more stuff and also buying more.

It was definitely an experience! *hiccup* :d
Dan, I realize your winters are different but what happens in the fall? Do you need to scoop em up and bring them inside or just have a BBQ?

If I lived somewhere warmer I could really be intersested in these ponds. The guy I built with here has a brother in Indiana and that is what they specialize in.

Cool sheet for sure. Some of the photos I seen were just gorgeous.
The Koi hibernate on the bottom of the pond in the winter.There are heaters preventing it to totally freze over. All you need is a small opening. I have about 1600 gallon pond. I have about 20 large Koi and Comets ranging fron 6-18". Now the (some) fish got together and gave birth to about 20 more. Now what to do... :fsh
sell those bad boys on CL and buy some more wine stuff with the profit ;) we have a pond.....its not in the ground yet but we got it LOL!!!! i need a pump n filter and all the accesories, but dangit i got the pond LMAO!!
I put a floating heater in mine from Tractor Supply. It was meant for water troughs for cattle to keep it from freezing so they could get water. I would cut off all my plants and sink the pots top the bottom of the pond and the fish would stay there also. I had koi and shubunkins.
sell those bad boys on CL and buy some more wine stuff with the profit ;) we have a pond.....its not in the ground yet but we got it LOL!!!! i need a pump n filter and all the accesories, but dangit i got the pond LMAO!!
Gee I should have thought of that. I have a 2900GPH pump to myfilter which goes to the waterfall. So far today its 50% done. Pix to follow..Nice flow and just laid river rock in the waterfall.
I racked off my apple wine and added an fpac to it. It tasted a little off still so I checked the acidity. It needs to be lowered I think. It was coming out at .84 my last batch was right around .70. I'll stop by the brew place tuesday and get what is needed to lower. I think it will have good flavor once the bite is gone from it. (very tart tasting).

I moved my Green apple reisling to storage in the basement with the rest of the stock. It's getting low down there.
I just put the Magic hat #9 into its keg and started my last kit which is an Amber Cervesa. Basically a Dos Equis. Smells really good already and it just started boiling.
Just washed and peeled labels off 46 bottles... ugh...

I need to start giving my friends incentives for giving me bottles with the labels already off!

I'm taking a well deserved break... still have a dozen or so 1.5s to go...
Just washed and peeled labels off 46 bottles... ugh...

I need to start giving my friends incentives for giving me bottles with the labels already off!

I'm taking a well deserved break... still have a dozen or so 1.5s to go...

Hi Daisy,

I offered people I worked with for every 12 bottles I would give them a bottle of my wine. It was well worth it, I did not specify cleaned but you can.
Hi Daisy,

I offered people I worked with for every 12 bottles I would give them a bottle of my wine. It was well worth it, I did not specify cleaned but you can.

That is a good idea. I was thinking of doing something similar but couldn't decide on a good number. A case of clean empties for 1 full bottle is a good deal if you ask me!

I can imagine myself printing "coffee club" type cards that I'll punch every time they cash in a good bottle :)
I did basically the same for my sisters neighbor. She gave me 5 cases (2 from her and 3 from a wine tasting she went to) and I took her up 2 bottles of wine. I told her I would get her a few more shortly after I get some more ready. End of May should work out well for restocking..

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