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Picked up Christmas trees today! Will let them thaw, then decorate with the kids tomorrow.

Hubby made me get a little tree this year - only 7 feet tall. Boo! Lol.

The wife keeps saying next year we're getting a fake tree. The grown children and I say no way. Always had real tree and always will. Bakervinyard
runningwof i agree, no sushi, no raw anthing, vegetables are ok if they are covered in butter are bacon drippings...meat, meat, meatl.
Put together the gingerbread houses for our annual decorating party. We've been doing this for 20 years since the kids were small and they would come to our bakery and want to help decorate the gingerbread houses for the store. Great family tradition and a lot of fun. Bakervinyard
The wife keeps saying next year we're getting a fake tree. The grown children and I say no way. Always had real tree and always will. Bakervinyard

I was always a fan of fake trees. That was until I finally lost the battle about 5 years ago and now I'm thinking I never want to go back to fake. I love the idea of not having to have to store it, and spending hours putting it up. The trees we get now we get drilled in the middle and they sit on a spike on the tree stand. No fussing. After Christmas out the doors it goes.
No fake tree here. I remember as a kid going for a walk out into the bush lot with my dad, finding a tall pine and cutting it twice. Once to fall the tree and another to cut the top off. We had a couple Charlie Brown esc trees
Fake trees for me since I was about 6 years old. Mom wasn't happy about the needles through the house. I ended up with poison ivy from one after setting the train back on its tracks.

Eating foods overseas isn't too bad, you just have to know what's safe. I did make the mistake of asking for pork sausage in a Muslim country. I got a couple of dirty looks on that one....
For the Home brewers here:
Made bread from spent grains from brewing, it made a real nice bread, the grains gave it a nice sweet taste, prefer this to tossing it all into the trash, nothing like a nice home made all grain bread.

Hokapsig said:
I did make the mistake of asking for pork sausage in a Muslim country. I got a couple of dirty looks on that one....

Why would it be on the menu if it was taboo? The dirty looks should have been in the direction of the owner, not you.

I still haven't fully wrapped my head around the whole sacred animals thing. There all pretty darn tasty to me
Jim, I am very impressed with the bread. I'll bet it was delicious. Sure looks great and right out of the oven with butter...yummo!

Sorry, All. I am with James and Dan on eating "bait." And, yes, I have traveled to Japan a number of times when I had to eat many things to be a gracious guest and to establish trust. This was particularly true when traveling with colleagues who would not eat any of the Japanese delicacies, even at gun point! I have had sushi, sashimi, snake blood, tiny live shrimp and jellyfish tentacles. The last was like chewing on rubber bands. One of our Japanese hosts, seeing my distress, leaned over to me and whispered, "Rocky-san, do not chew, swallow." Different strokes for different folks.
And at how much of it is actually cooked.

Who said anything about it being cooked? :h

Why would it be on the menu if it was taboo? The dirty looks should have been in the direction of the owner, not you.

I still haven't fully wrapped my head around the whole sacred animals thing. There all pretty darn tasty to me

bill is devious :) I doubt it was on the menu, he probably did his "I'm a foreigner and don't know what I am doing" look then asked just to hear the response.