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lol I'm not even going to comment on the line before this one. I agree with you on sushi. Anything fishy..:s I love to go out with my daughter for lunch for sushi though.:D

I also am a sushi addict - although, much of the sashimi is a bit much (they slice it too thick for my tastes). I by far prefer the rolls with a variety of things stuffed into them. Yum!

As to eating or not eating animals: I would try pretty much anything once...
I am soooooo glad to hear there are others who like sushi!!!! I'm with you the_rayway on the sashimi.
Ok didn't get to do the racking over the weekend. I forgot I had to change the oil in the wife's car :re but I did manage to bottle 25 liters of cab sauv. and got to go to the LHBS with my brother in law and picked three buckets of Nero D'Avola. :p So I cleaned up the Brute and set up for another Triple Play. The must is warming up and I'll be making wine tonight.
Love, love, love sushi and sashimi. My wife also doesn't like fish - cooked. But she will devour raw fish. I will eat anything and have had my share of raw horse and fish ovaries in Osaka to pig brains poached in a hot pot in Shanghai. I think the only thing that I would have a problem choking down would be live insects. I can't imagine biting into a squirming juicy grub like they do in some places in South America. By the way, if you haven't tried guinea pig, you are missing out in a real treat.

I'm heading home from Seattle today with my full of fantastic wine information. The folks out here are so friendly and happy to share their knowledge.
bbq raccoon is pretty standard in louisiana, and well as possum, when i was young....lots of old timers would catch beaver, and grind up most of it, but would slow cook the skinned tails, which were excellent.
Laundry, cleaning garage in 10degree weather, so I can get the cars in before the snow storm.

Then just drinking homemade wine!
Watching SOMM streaming on Netflix. I will highly recommend it to anyone interested in wine! :sm
Bottled the new recipe of Apple Pie and handed some out to my regulars at the company Christmas party last night. Very well recieved.
Washed and sanitized 10 cases of Beer bottles...ugh...240 bottles, wrapped them nice and tight with plastic wrap in preparation of bottling 5 batches of beer.

Currently Clearing and or Lagering:
Imperial Irish Ale - Very good brew, however, next batch i'll cut the roasted barley in half, or use a lighter toast.
Okotberfest (lager) - this is hands down, the best Oktoberfest I've ever made, and my all time favorite beer! I got the recipe online, either Beersmith of HomeBrewTalk, I cannot remember who the original brewer is, I can only remember that it won a gold in a national competition. This brew takes about 2-3 months depending on how long I let it Lager.
Cascade Pale Ale APA- Nice light easy drinker. This is for my buddies that cannot handle craft beer, every batch I increase the grain bill a little, slowly but surely I'll get my buddies to stop drinking Bud and Bush and that type of cruddy beer...LMAO!!
Bourbon Barrel Ale - this has been aging in the barrel for approx 3 months, it is going to be special!
Amarillo Golden Ale APA - Another nice light beer, not as light as the Pale ale.

On deck are:
Hoptimum Clone - This is a great beer, I've cut the bittering hops in half and moved those to the 20 min flavoring, instead of an intense bite of hops, you get the same amount of IBU's, 100 IBU, but you can now taste the grains/malt and the hops, It is balanced now, it is a crowd pleaser!
Oktoberfest - This goes fast, I have to keep one lagering due to the amount of time it takes.
Honey Brown Ale - This is a real nice beer, easy drinking.
I did something I've never done before, replaced three capacitors on the main board of a small (expendable) 19" TV. It went pretty well and it fixed the problem!
So maybe this isn't the place to post this question, but on the last page of this thread I saw my favorite word twice, syrah. One of my favorite wines is a Syrah made by Wilson Creek out of CA. But a little pricy to drink too often. I'm pretty new at this wine making, and have yet to make a kit, but I would love some opinions on different brands of Syrah kits....Thanks
Racked my ES 5471, MN 1200 and baltica wines and placed them in my cold room for CS. I also gave my 10 year old tawny port a taste. It was last racked in 2004 and has been sitting in a carboy all this time. It's good! Added some half used oak spirals to it and I think I'll actually get around to bottling it in a couple months.
Packing up to go and spend a family vacation with Mickey Mouse. My son will be graduating college in april and be out on his own, so this may be the last time that we get together for a family vacation. 3 days hopping at Disney, 1 day at Universal and a day to hit the winery/shopping. Back on Saturday evening.
Packing up to go and spend a family vacation with Mickey Mouse. My son will be graduating college in april and be out on his own, so this may be the last time that we get together for a family vacation. 3 days hopping at Disney, 1 day at Universal and a day to hit the winery/shopping. Back on Saturday evening.

My kids graduated collage a couple years ago and they tell me if I pay their way for vacation they will come. Lol, Bakervinyard