RJ Spagnols Vino Del Vida Merlot (91)

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Dec 4, 2010
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Vino Del Vida Merlot (91)
(I know not the best quality kit but its my first 6 gallon kit)

I love red wine and more so the foods that go with it. :D

Fermentation temp 78* though out

Started on: 11/19/10 S.G 1.082

Racked to secondary 11/27/10 S.G. 1.004

S.G hit .996 12/4/10 racked stabilized and clearing now

I plan to bulk age 3 gallons of it with oak(med toast) and 3 gallons w/o just to see the flavor difference.

I don't expect this kit to be as good as fresh juice but it is what i had available and it was only 49 bucks for a 6 gallon kit.

What do you guys think about oaking this kit might do 3 gallons of med toast then maybe one gallon of light one gallon of heavy and one gallon of no oak to see what I like the best for future reference?
I know you see $49 per kit but next time take into account what the per bottle price is between that kit and a $100 kit. Its pennies basically and the difference in taste is huge!
Is it always the more pricey kits that have better quality or are there some pricey kits that just clam quality that I should watch out for? I don't mind spending the extra I just don't know which brands will have the best out come.

Also I plan on doing fresh juice more then kits once the vineyards here start to harvest next year XD but until then a few nice kits would be nice so i can start to age them.

And i thought that all kits where 6 gallons I might be mistaken, I am new after all. :p
Like Wade said look @ cost per bottle.
You get what you pay for in wine. Yes there is a big difference between a $49 - $100 kit. Cheaper kits tend to be thing in flavor and body. Since you are in NY you should look into Walkers. They have a big selection of juice al year. (better in the summer thou)
Ask Runningwolf he get alot from there. Juices are another story. I feel they should be tweeked.
Is it always the more pricey kits that have better quality or are there some pricey kits that just clam quality that I should watch out for? I don't mind spending the extra I just don't know which brands will have the best out come.
We all have our preferences. Wade doesn't like the Winexpert kits as much as other brands (prefers RJ Spagnols, and Cellar Craft, I think). I don't like Advintage, Paklab, and Mosti Mondiale, prefering Vineco, RJ Spagnols, Winexpert, and Cellar Craft. Although I don't have much experience with Winexpert and Cellar Craft.

And i thought that all kits where 6 gallons I might be mistaken, I am new after all. :p
The cans of wine concentrate (I've forgotten the brand name) make 5 US gallons. Ice wine, port, sherry, and similar make 3 US gallons.

Oh ok the ice wine kit I made was a 3 gallon kit and it was all juice, not concentrated, and I would have to say it dose have more body to it then the Merlot I'm making from vino del vida. But comparing a ice wine to a Merlot is more like apples and oranges. Next kit ill buy will more then likely be from a different company just so I can get a better idea on my options out there.

Thanks for all the help there is alot to thing about before just buying a wine kit.
Chris, look into our sponsors and the Limited Edition kits they are selling. Time is running out real soon to place your order. I have tried many of these kits and they are excellent. Its a time of year the manufacturers put some of the best stuff out and its only for a limited time. I do not believe you can go wrong with any of them if you pick what sounds good to you.
That is the juice that came with my complete red winemakers kit that I got at Grapestompers. We made the kit per instructions and started in August. It is good to drink now and I don't think it will last much longer. With this kit I thought you added the oak during the primary, anyway, the kit is not full bodied but very drinkable early.
Like others have said if I were going to keep for along time I would probably get a bigger kit.
Also, might get in trouble for this as they are not a sponsor, but search ebrew.com and look for out of date kits. They are not really out of date but they are selling last year limited editions for around $100.
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