Using Glass Hard Liquor Bottles for Wine

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Chaz, they are a little thinner at the neck than a wine bottle and there is a danger of chipping or breaking. I would get wine bottles if I were you. Try friends, neighbor, re-cycling centers, bars, restaurants, etc. I have them coming out my ears and finally had to tell people to stop saving them for me. Where are you located?
dralarms said:
My brother does it all the time. He doesn't cork them, just screws the cap on. It don't last long enough to go bad.
I have done the same thing. I think that a year or so is the longest I have kept wine this way but so far no problems.
I get people to save them for me and return the bottles if I give them a wine. some of the bottle I get are screw cap but I give those to a lady the makes those thing with lights inside. to augment that supply I buy used bottles from a local winery. they collect and rinse empties after wine festivals and from the tasting room, $5 a case or $3/ case of I buy 10 or more cases. its cheaper than buying new. I just have to remove the label wash and sanitize. the home brew store charges $17 a case so the work is worth it.
Rocky, I am located in Houston, Texas.

Yea I was looking at the bottle opening and it is much larger than a wine bottle, would have to use the top that came with the bottle.
Id say your fine as long as you dont try to cork it. Im so over bottle worry IM about ready to start putting it in plastic gallon jugs :) Im joking of course