Tired of the rain

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Nov 12, 2005
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Here in the Champlain Valley of NY and Vt as well as much of the rest of the Northeast, we may not be getting tornados, but the incessant rain is beginning to flood a lot. We got 8 inches of rain here at my place last motnh and we are expecting inches more of rain the next few days. On top of the spring snowmelt, our local body of water, Lake Champlain is at all-time record level and rising. My sister lives on St Albans Bay Vt and they are flooded out of their home. Normally they are about 5 - 8 feet above water, they are flooded out. The basement is full and the roads are closed.

Here is a video of plowing driftwood off the road to their place a week before the worst of the rains. The lake has come up several feet since then and where the truck was driving is now under water. We have gotten almost an inch of rain since it began again in earnest about an hour ago. I swear I saw an Ark float by a few minutes ago...............
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That's a lot of water.

Here in Colorado (not in the mountains), we are behind on our snow/rain. This winter, I don't remember a single snow over 3 inches and can count on one hand how many of those we got. Normally, March and April are our best months for moisture. Not this year.

Fortunately, we get our water from reservoirs up in the mountains, where they get tons of snow.

Hope your vineyards dry out OK.
I hear you. We had 5 inches last month. Way over our average. It's been raining all day today. This morning, the weatherman said we have had only 5 days this year where the sun was shining virtually all day. :slp
We will take some of that water Grapeman. We are over 7" behind on rainfall for the year. Where I live we are on mandatory water restrictions and all the counties in Texas are under a burn ban. Crazy weather.
Dibs as well.

Hey CCtex. Once upon a time in a galaxy far, far away I lived in Sugar Land myself.....
We have had a lot of rain too but at this time of the year I will take the rain over the snow. All the growing things in my backyard are greening up and getting going. My hops vines are over 3' high already. That ark you saw came through our area yesterday heading east.
Rich, werent you just complaining about snow a few weeks ago! :) That is ridiculous there!!! We had a lot of rain here and lots of flooding about 1 1/2 months ago but normal since, dont send it this way!!!!!
Yall keep that rain. We don't need it here. We got anothr 5" the other day alone. Today was the first time I've seen the sun in 2 weeks. Grandma said the rain gauge was been dumped 5 times for a total of 24" in the past week and a 1/2. I live on a hill and my yard is a swamp!