The only constant is change.....

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Thanks Dan.

Julie, Nobody will be able to read a single thing that glowin posts. They will not be able to get past that avatar.

Honestly, a person could stare at that thing for hours!
Thanks Dan.

Julie, Nobody will be able to read a single thing that glowin posts. They will not be able to get past that avatar.

Honestly, a person could stare at that thing for hours!

Now that you say that, I'm thinking that was his plan!
Look into my jumping elephant Avatar JohnT and tell me all your secret winemaking techniques! Bwahahahahahahahahaha…….. :sm
Look into my jumping elephant Avatar JohnT and tell me all your secret winemaking techniques! Bwahahahahahahahahaha…….. :sm

Wheeew, Glowin.. For a minute there, I thought you might try and give me a "you like Welch's" post-hypnotic suggestion... LOL
Wheeew, Glowin.. For a minute there, I thought you might try and give me a "you like Welch's" post-hypnotic suggestion... LOL

That is Plan B! Once he has all of your winemaking techniques, he will then have you want nothing but Welch's and since I live closer, I am coming over to raid your wine cellar since you will no longer want any of that stuff! :db
Ok lol kind of like my fire horse - no one could make out what it was! Ok I gotta to work now!
I thought you might find that one funny. I needed to come up with something for the time being. Like you, I subscribed to a premium membership today and needed a new avatar to fit the new larger size. I will come up with a new one before I offend too many people.
Okay, JohnT has just about outdone himself this time!

I realized that I had better document this one before it goes away!