Stuck Fermentation

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Feb 3, 2007
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Stuck Fermentation

I am doing 5 gallons of blueberry wine. I waited 24 hours before pitching the yeast and it has been 2 days and no action. I am using 71B-1122 yeast.

I started with a SG of 1.080 and it is sitting at about 78 degrees. Any suggestions?


Edited by: First Time Wine
Unless you added a lot of k-meta(campden tablets) before pitching the yeast, wait a bit more. the 1122 can take a bit longer to start than some, especially with blueberry. You could add some yeast nutrient if you didn't. That yeast is also fairly silent- never really bubbles and boils a lot. Just give it some time and it should get crankin'.
Did you add any nutrient to the must before pitching the yeast?
Is this yeast packet 1 that has been sitting around for awhile and was it refrigerated? If it is an old batch then maybe you should get another packet just to be safe and do a quick starter just to know that its working. Also did you use powdered K-Meta or campden, if powder, how much?
Sounds good...I used the tablets. It was a little fizzy this morning so it might be working. My only experience is with the kind of fermentation action you get with the kits. From what others have told me this might not be as active as what I am use to.
I think you are on your way now. Don't expect it to rush to the finish. Blueberry keeps going and going and going. It is worth the wait though in the end.
I'm having the same issue with blueberry using the red star mont yeast. Fermentation started intially, SG went from 1.09 to 1.07 and stopped. I let it sit a couple days then added more energizer and yeast. Nothing happened. Any ideas on how to start this back up? Yeast is fresh.
space said:
I'm having the same issue with blueberry using the red star mont yeast. Fermentation started intially, SG went from 1.09 to 1.07 and stopped. I let it sit a couple days then added more energizer and yeast. Nothing happened. Any ideas on how to start this back up? Yeast is fresh.

As Wade said, re-pitch and use a starter. if that don't take off try a different yeast that is good for stuck fermentations like a Lalvin EC1118 pitched in a starter.
You may have to scroll down some in the fruit wine forum,but I have a thread with blueberry problems theretoo! I had to restart mine 4 times before it really took it seems like it will never stop! Thanks to all of you who share your good times and bad........ Edited by: fish1onthefly