spring is here

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Senior Member
Dec 28, 2009
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Thought this might be fun, what was your average high temperture this week?
Eastern Iowa will be 42 degrees on Thursday
St Allie,
That is like 80 degree. do you have a fall and winter season?
yes it's coming..

we are on the tail end of summer, I've just picked all the apples and pears.. and there is still half a tree of late peaches to pick.

courgettes /zucchinis are still producing and I just planted a late crop of gherkins.. I think we have about 6 weeks left of reasonable weather before the rain and wind kicks in.

Auckland is considered a 'temperate' climate, however this year we've had massive fluctuations closer to 'semi tropical'

Our high in the last week was like 25F, still a little high for us. Been a strange winter. We'll have snow on the ground till like the very end of April but we are on our way. Our fellow members on the East coast of the US have had so much snow they will probably be having snowball fights for the Fourth of July!! LOL
it's a zucchini Troy, also known as a small marrow.. you pick them when they are about 6 inches long.

slice them and cook them in butter.. they are divine!

or make pickles or salsa out of them..

four plants will feed you through summer plus enough pickles for the entire winter.

they are an amazingly productive plant for very little work.

St Allie,
how cold will it get there in the winter?
A met a gal from church who loved her Zucchinis, she would slice them thin, sprinkle them with her secret salt and dehydrate them and snack on them like a potato chip.

They were outrageous, a great way to preserve them, like you say, they grow like crazy.

My neighbor loves to grow his "zukes", but like cabbage, the Moose go nuts for them and will break down his fence to get at them!!
they make an easy pot plant Troy..

bring them inside at night if you are worried about the moose.. or stick them on your roof out of harms way, as long as they are well watered, they don't care!
St Allie,
how cold will it get there in the winter?

absolute max for cold is during spring and that will hit zero.We get maybe 8 frosts a year in spring? ( and we complain bitterly! )

winter averages about 10 degrees celsius, so very warm compared to you guys.

no snow in aucks .. no shovelling walks or worrying about chains on the car.

Our high today was 61. First day of March! What the...? The last two weeks of February we were in the 40's and low 50's.
You have to remember I'm talking the Northern Rocky Mountains, spittin' distance from Canada. My neighbors, 180 miles to the east, are still ice fishing. We're boating. My stupid iris are starting to come up! It's nuts!
The REAL sign of Spring was the %&#@@! spider I found in my sink this morning....
36 Degrees F. in my town in Maryland.
Still huge piles of snow everywhere.
Okay - I just have to jump in.

Its 15F overnight and 40 for a high today. The warmest in 5 months. We have 3 feet of snow still on the ground and lakes still are driveable on. 4 feet of ice in the north, 3 in the south.
I've got 4 kits eyed up this year and I'm going to try my luck with strawberrry wine this year when we can pick them in June

One of my favorite dishes with Zuccini is slicing them the long way, with summer squash (crookneck), peppers. I marinate them in olive oil and canadian seasoning (salt, pepper and garlic), then I cook them in the oven or on the grill, sprinkle with Gruyere cheese. Yummy!!
MN Winer, I almost moved to Minnesota, instead of Montana. Glad the coin came up heads, now. ;)

Re: zucchini.
We like to take the small ones, no more that 2" in diameter, and cut rounds 1/4" thick. Sauté them in olive oil, sprinkle them with cracked pepper, and grated Parmesan cheese. When the cheese has melted a bit, flip them over just long enough to brown the cheese. Yum!
Old Philosopher
I wish my life was as simple as flipping a coin. I guess I can leave anytime but my paycheck needs to stay in MN to support the family. ha ha

Winter does get a little long, but now with the sun out more we can see the end of the tunnel.

Montana sounds nice. We may have more lakes but the scenery is probably better in Montana.
Old Philosopher
I wish my life was as simple as flipping a coin. I guess I can leave anytime but my paycheck needs to stay in MN to support the family. ha ha

Winter does get a little long, but now with the sun out more we can see the end of the tunnel.

Montana sounds nice. We may have more lakes but the scenery is probably better in Montana.
The winters can be gruesome here, don't get me wrong. The MN lakes and canoe trails were a great attraction. I've been to the Boundary Waters, and a few other lakes. But I was raised near the Cascade Range, and I do like to be able to look down on 100 foot trees occasionally. <big grin>
(Check out my photo album here. ;))
24 degrees in Mankato, Mn right now.

Just checked on my buddy in Haver,Mt. 20 degrees there and foggy.

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