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Nov 29, 2007
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After about 15 yrs i have decided to make wine again. I recently stumbled across some of the equipment i purchased in 92 and decided to give it another try. I made a CABERNET SAUVIGNON from a kit first and it was pretty good. I made a few other but i just didnt have the patients to make a great wine. I'm ready to try it again. I have some more equipment and other items on the way since most of the stuff i have is about 15yrs old. Can't wait to get started.. Also at that time the only recipies i had was the little book they sent with the kit. Now there are forums like this and many other recipes and techniques available from the internet.
Welcome spidy67! wine making has come along way since them and there are a lot of kit wines that make an excellent wine now. If you are looking to make good wines, lean towards the 16 liter kits or better, especially for the bigger red wines. Glad your back into wine making.
Welcome to the forum, Spidy! We're glad to have you here. Yes, home wine making has come a long way in the last 15 years. We look forward to seeing you around and answering any questions you may have. We love to answer questions! It makes us feel so smart.
Thank you. I am actually very excited. I have a 1 gal. batch of Welch's grape concentrate almost ready for the secondary. Thought it would be an easy one to start with.
Welcome to the group Spidy67, glad to see you made it here, you will most certinally get your questions answered by a great group of guys & gals.
Welcome Spidy,

I look forward to learning from your questions. These forum guys are really helpful.
Welcome Spidy,
Welcome to the forum. You'll find this is a very friendly group and more than willing to help. Good choice for a starter wine to get the rust off. Welches makes an excellent product. Don't limit yourself to their frozen products the ones in the plastic 64 oz. bottles work well also. These wines can be drank young but I think they taste better with some age on them.
There alot of great recipes here on the forum and lots of experienced winemakers. If you don't find an answer already posted on the forum feel free to ask. You will be surprised how quick a response you will get. Again welcome.
HI spidy,welcome aboard making wine has changed only a little if you make kits but the enjoyment of crafting your owen wine hasn't///
I want to try home crafting a wine. I'm thinking pomegranate and something else, I'm not sure what but I'm sure it will come to me. And I'm sure i will have questions.
Hi Spidy,
I'm getting ready to make a Pomegranate/Blueberry wine from Langer
which is a 64 oz bottled juice from the grocery store. Ocean Spray makes a Pomegranate/Cranberry also. When looking for juices make sure it is 100% juice with no perservatives. I will be making a 3 gal. batch if you want to use this as a guide.

6- 64 oz Bottles of Pommegranate/Blueberry juice
1- Montrachet yeast
sugar to bring Potential Alcohol to 10-12%( approx 6 lbs.)
3 tsp- yeast nutrient
1 1/2 tsp- pectic enzyme
3/8 tsp Potassium Metabisulfite
3/4 tsp Potassium sorbate
3 pts spring water

Pour juice in a sanitized primary bucket. Combine Potassium Metabilsulfite, pectic enzyme and yeast nutrient in a cup of water. Stir well to dissolve.
Add to primary. Bring water to boil and add sugar. Let sugar dissolve until clear. Add to primary. If you want to add sugar slowly you can do this in three batches of 2 lbs of sugar to 1 pint of water testing S.G. after adding eachuntill you reach your desired target. In fruit wines I prefer a lower alcohol content so it will be more fruit forward. Test SG and record results.
It is always good to keep good records of ingredients and steps taken. This way if there is a problem or great results you will know what to do again or not to do next time. Cover with a towel securing it to keep fruit flies out. Let set 24 hours. 24 hours later sprinkle yeast on top. No need to stir yet. Firmentation will start within 1 to 2 days. Stir twice daily for the next 7 to 8 days. Test SG. When Sg is 1.01 Transfer to a Carboy and fit with an airlock. i also have some Pomegranate/Rasberry made by Northern that I will use same recipe. Any questions just ask. This is much cheaper to use juice than fresh fruit and much easier than cutting and preparing the actual fruit.
bring alcohol to what you want it to be.
the first time you take the time to enhance a basic wine into something thats yours good or not so good,it still yours,and thinking out side the bow is really a good venue,
apples ,pinapples,or maybe a white zin and muscatia,if you can think it and it exist you can try it///thats how I see it//jp
Thanks for the recipe and for the advice. I just recieved my stuff from MW i think tomorrow will be a very busy day.