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Aug 9, 2011
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Hi Guys...

My 21 gallons of Merlot from 2011 is doing fine in five-gallon pet carboys. But my SO2 readings in all four are very high: 75-100. Is this ok, a disaster, fixable, needs repair somehow, etc. Many thanks...
Question is why are they that high? How much did you add initially and throughout the year?

Can you smell it?

Can you taste it?

If yes, then you can try splash racking the heck out if it and it will dissipate.
As Mike said ... I would also check your testing supplies. Not sure how you determined the level, but aged NaOH could give you false high readings.

How did you determine your level?
If your levels are truley that high you can reduce it with Hydrogen peroxide. Do a bench trail so you do not over adjust or oxidize. Vino enology has a calculator to determine amount needed.
My log shows no big error. Only thing I can figure is that, as an old man, I got confused and added it twice around!! -- you will understand some day -- and now it is twice too high. I titrated twice. I really don't know what So2 tastes or smells like but, as IB suggested, I will splash it out on my final racking at Christmas.
Many thanks all....
Skol to the Northland
Should add that before the last racking where the error occurred, my son and daughter, at our reunion, greeted the wine with wild excitement and wide eyes. Each expecting ten gallons. I will fool them: when I reach 100 it will all be gone...
SO2 smells and taste like.... well Sulphur. What does your nose say? Have several people do a sniff/taste test.