SG question

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Oct 31, 2013
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I am dong a Pinot noir kit. On 11-15 I racked to secondary with an SG of 0.996 added enzyme blend which the directions called for. Temps in the house have been in the mid to high 60's. I checked SG levels today and it went up to 0.0998. Any thoughts on this? More concerned that it hasn't dropped at all since racking to secondary.
I have a melomel that rose in SG from 1.006 to 1.010 never did go back down but still is tasting good. You never mentioned what kit you did but I did a heritage estates pinot noir( in fact just 2 weeks ago) and it was real hard to see in the bottom of carboy because it's so dark. Also there was a lot less sediment in the secondary than other wines. I think it lost the bulk of it in the primary.Give it it's two weeks ,steal a bit with your wine thief into a glass and hold it up to the light. You could also just let it sit a week or so longer than what your kit says if still in doubt.
An SG of 996 or 998 suggests that pretty much all the available sugar will have fermented. It is possible I think that after you added the enzyme and mixed the wine material that was lower in the wine is now mmore evenly dispersed throughout and has decreased the apparent buoyancy of the liquid and so fails to support the hydrometer at the same height it did before... Is this possible do you think?
I cannot imagine that you can discern the difference between 996 and 998 on your hydrometer that easy. It is of no consequence, the wine is complete. bulk age and enjoy, taste the wine should be fine. numbers are great at the beginning to insure balance in the final wine, they are good at the end to see if fermentation is finished. After that do not fret taste is the king not numbers. Patience also goes a long way.