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We can't know until you check SG, but it might be finished by now, or almost.
I would stir it a little. Try to get a little oxygen into it for the yeast.

That helps me out sometimes, at least.
Thanks Martina..I did that after I talked to George yesterday evening and told him what the sg reading was. I will check it again this evening.

By the way Martina, "Are we sporting a new Avatar" I like it !Edited by: Waldo
Hippie the instructions in the kit say that once the specific gravity has reached 1.010 ( approxiamtely 6-10 days) then to go to the next step. If the fermentation has stopped will it ever reach that goal?

I am in day 4 and it appears fermentation quit at day 3 with a reading 0f 1.050
Ok Guys n Gals...What Next. The SG this evening is down to 1.040 and the must temp is right at 76 degrees but still no indication of any more fermentation going on
Grab a glass...fill it with wine or beer and have a seat! Leave the primary alone until day7 and check it again.

You are being way to impatient grasshopper!
Forgive me "Masta", Dont beat me no more. The "Grasshopper" is learning patience one step at a time. And pleezzzeeeeee dont tell "Hippie" I was being impatient again.
You will see no further post here until Sunday evening.
Okay, now I am not that familiar with kit wines, but this is what I do with scratch or country wines when I feel they're kinda fizzled out on me a bit early.

I do something I call "feeding the fish" method...

It's basically sprinkling a pinch (or three) of sugar one pinch at a time to see if the airlock has any movement after 24 or so hours. If it does, I know that there's still life in the primary. If not, I know that fermentation is more or less done. (But "secret/hidden" fermentation could still take place) In a 5 or 6 gallon batch, a little more than just three pinches would be necessary.

Now since I know you've had problems with this kit from the get-go, I'd risk it. Otherwise, I'd call the company and tell them what's going on.

I know patience is a very hard thing to learn, since I haven't mastered it yet, but I think you're well on your way, Waldo. :)

Keep us posted!


Edited by: MedPretzel
When I do get ready to rack it again can I rack it into my primary fermenter ( Well Sterelized of course) and let it set there long enough to clean my carboy out?
Sure, that's no problem at all.
Just put a towel over it when you clean the carboy out to keep the pesky fruit flies from diving in and enjoying your wine before you do.
Well I guess I am going to have to order me another toy. I gave her a good stirring as Hippie recommended put the lid on tight and had a heckuva time getting it open this evening. Took two readings and she is still at 1.040 and has a rather funky smell to it.
Can you describe "funky?"

Is it vomity? (If so, this is okay, it's fermentation)

Is it like rotten eggs?
close it up and wait a couple of days. If it's irrepairable, it won't harm it. If it's just a weird fermentation, then it's good to wait. To me, it almost smells like it's a sulphite problem, but since I've never experienced the rotten smell, I don't know with 100% certainty what to do.

But, this is what I would do:

Don't dump it quite yet.

Make sure the temp stays around 70-75 degrees.

If you have to look at it (and I do, so don't feel bad, hehe), stir it now and then. I know a lot of people say "don't! too much air time" but I don't think a 1-minute air exposure to my wines has ever damaged them beyond repair.

What's the SG on it now? If it's still dropping, that could be a good thing.

Keep us posted, and hopefully Glenvall can tell you more on the rotten-egg smell. He's much more knowlegdeable.
When you rack, splash as much as possible to dissipate the sulphur. Be sure to stir stir stir before adding the finings so to get the gas completely out. Proceed as normal and keep it topped up well.
Just checked the sg and its still at 1.040. Will give it a couple more days and see what happens
Looks like you have some mighty sweet wine there! You can probably restart it with some Lalvin EC-1118 yeast. Make a starter in a quart jar and add some of the wine to it a little at a time until the jar is about full. Use a little nutrient and maybe a smidgen energizer in it if you have some. Start the starter with 1 cup water and half a cup of the wine with some sugar dissolved in it to make the SG around 1.040, then add the nutrient and energizer. When it is foaming good, start adding an eighth cup of the wine every 6 hours, slowly. When the jar is about full, stir the bageebees out of the wine, thenpourthe starterover the top of the wine very slowly as if trying to float it on top. It should work. This is about your only chance to save this wine.

What are you waiting for? Get to it!
