Recipe Book

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Mar 1, 2009
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:h Julie has graciously agreed to create a recipe book for our forum. She will include recipe's already posted and we are asking if you have any of your own that is not posted please post them so they can be included. We will be open to any suggestions you may have or any assistance you can give her. Any name suggestions will be welcomed for this on line book. In posting your recipe's please add any notes, tips or suggestions you may have for that recipe.
Wow Julie, thats quite the undertaking. I will give you some feed back later.

But as I mentioned to our new meber Hammer. Although all of the recipes in here are user/member submitted, it doesn't necessarily make them tried and true.

It just seems to me it might take an enourmous amount of editing to sort it out.

I love you're idea though, just dont try to do it in a month or so.

I have been involved with thngs like this, with the right planning and editing, by golly you mayhave someting vialble forsure.

I stand by you 120%

Great idea.
Noticed tha Dan NOT Julie sent this... Hmmm ... Me thinks Dan is forcing Jullie into a corner...
Wow Julie, thats quite the undertaking.

It just seems to me it might take an enourmous amount of editing to sort it out.

I love you're idea though, just dont try to do it in a month or so.

I have been involved with thngs like this, with the right planning and editing, by golly you mayhave someting vialble forsure.

I stand by you 120%

Great idea.

Noticed tha Dan NOT Julie sent this... Hmmm ... Me thinks Dan is forcing Jullie into a corner...

Troy do you see a common denominator?

Tom, This is not nikki! I don't think anyone would force Julie to do anything she didn't want to do! He He just give her a bottle of wine! We could have Wade for the editor to make it look more authentic.
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Troy do you see a common denominator?

Tom, This is not nikki! I don't think anyone would force Julie to do anything she didn't want to do! He He just give her a bottle of wine! We could have Wade for the editor to make it look more authentic.

I said nothing about nikki :slp. Troy did
Whats a denominator? I was just being sarcastic.

I have been involved wth many projects like this. I did a three day winter festival here in 1986, put it together in just a few months.

All I meant was plan lan plan, the 3 pees! LOL

I think its a great idea. And I actually do know quite a bit about this sort of thing.

If this was put together the way the ladies do it for the fair etc, with the spiral plastic binding it could actually pay for itself.

It has been along time since I have dealt with a printer, I couldnt even imagine what it might cost these days. I gave away my shirt and tie when I was about 24.

I sure have alot of creative ideas though on this and would like to see her go forward with it.

Tom is wondering the same as me, wh did you bring it up. Julie knows we love her. She can ask directly.

I'd like to help if I can.
I mentioned this on here before I think it would be a big help to have specific detail directions on making wine from Juice, fruit and cans. They all vary slightly.

I am currently going to create my own direction thingy to help a friend learn how to "how to" make wine.

Anyway Good Luck and let me know if I can help any.
There is a lot of talk in here about the Alaska Bootleggers Bible.

Yes its a good book, some good andecotes in there, but for the most part, the recipes are quite vaque. A beginer would be lost.

If Julie goes through with this, I think it would be important to make sure these recipes will work. An they would need to include procedures, not just a list of ingredients.

Also, you wouldnt want to do one with 3000 recipes in it. You can find those on the internet. I would START with, some of the recipes that have had responses by members who have tried them, and have discussions along with them to perfect them.

Personnally, I think its a fantastic idea, and I would like to help as well.

(By the way, Hillbilly Bill sent me the ABB for xmas, last I heard he was feeling pretty bad, so it will always be special to me)

I would sure like to see it done also.

Lets talk about more deatils and lets come together and help her "get er done"

I can already see an advertisement on this forum. "The Unofficial Official WMT Greatest Collection of recipes, tips and advice" Or something like this.

Someone started this, lets all get together and see it hrough.

Iam "all in"

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This is sort of an idea of what we're looking for and there is a place to add any additional notes. It will probably be in word or a pdf file which ever Julie decides or both.

Anise/Banana/Elderberry Wine
your name...
1 gallon
2 lbs very ripe bananas
1 tsp crushed anise
1/2 cup dried elderberries
10 cups sugar water to one gallon
1/2 tsp. pectic enzyme
1 tsp yeast nutrient
1 tsp acid blend

I used montrachet yeast, but technically you could use any. Do not add more anise to the gallon. You will regret it later. The anise flavor comes out more and more the wine is aged.


Your name...

1 gallon.
7-8 lbs apples or 2 qts. apple juice
4 1/2 qts water
2lbs sugar
2 1/4 tsp acid blend
1/2 tsp pectic enzyme
1 tsp nutrient
1 campden, crushed
1 pkg champagne yeast ( I use Lalvin EC-1118)

Starting S.G. 1.85-90 This recipe calls for the apples to be pressed and not put the pulp into a bag. I have a juicer I use for this step. Put the juice into the primary; immediately add the crushed campden tablet and pectic enzyme to prevent browning. Stir in all other ingredients except yeast. Cover and let stand 24 hours. Stir well, add yeast. Cover primary. Stir daily. When ferment reaches S.G. of 1.040(3 to 7 days) siphon wine off sediment to secondary, attach airlock. When ferment is complete (S.G. reaches 1,000 after about 3 weeks) siphon off sediment into clean carboy, reattach airlock. Let stand undisturbed for 2 months, siphon to clean carboy. REPEAT THIS STEP 2 MORE TIMES. Total of 6 months. Add 1 tsp anti-oxidant and bottle or bulk age. I use a mix of apple varieties. Delicious apples have to be mixed with others because of their low acidity.

Looks good to me and this has been done on Winepress. Once we get this all set in stone we can install it on the front page as like a link instead of a thread. Is that what you are wanting?
I understand what you are saying

But I do want to make sure a recipe that was imported from like Jacks site or something is definitely cited. As are any addendums to the original. IE, "the original recipe called for "x" amount of this ingredient. I tried it this way and it didnt work so good. I found that by reducing the amount and adding this instead, I got these results>
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Jacks recipe forum on his site actually is prety good, even though we disagree with his recipes, he always makes sure credit is given. And will mention a bit about the recipe. Who sent it and how it may have been changed to refine it and make it better.

If Julie wants to make a paper version. Geez I dont know, this whole electronic progress might make it hard to publish and market.
Looks good to me and this has been done on Winepress. Once we get this all set in stone we can install it on the front page as like a link instead of a thread. Is that what you are wanting?

Thanks Wade that is exactly what we are looking at. Electronic only for the folks on here.
Jacks recipe forum on his site actually is prety good, even though we disagree with his recipes, he always makes sure credit is given. And will mention a bit about the recipe. Who sent it and how it may have been changed to refine it and make it better.

All credit is to be given to the originator if recipe isn't changed

I am not setting the rules as this is something Julie volunteered to do. I will just help facilitate.
I am still all in...I love the idea.

As a side note and Maybe Wade and Keith should do a poll on how... But, I am willing to bet half of the people who come to this site, whether they become a member or not, were looking for a recipe on their search.
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Additional, I believe it should include wine making tips and Do's and don'ts. A Glossery and definitions and how to's (read a hydrometer). Dangers and emergency advice on the chemicals. I've thought about this chemical thing several times. I always like to think of the worst scenario and what would be done in case.

All in all we can't put all this on 1 person. Let's divie it up, weather by chapters or topics. One or two can work on a "topic" then several can proof and make corrections. It can't be too specific but needs to be somewhat as we all do things differently.

Finally a final page of credits to EVERYONE who participated.

What do ya think about that? :h
Steve, lots of good topics you brought up, some of which Julie and I already discussed. We had a thread going of things to do or not to do and that would be a good starter. A glossery is another thing we talked about and even tips with kits. What we will need is volunteers for each section.
I know I'm gonna regret this around the 3 A.M. hour. I will volunteer for the glossary if not taken.

I can start Monday with a rough draft. I would like someone really knowledg... (man that word is big) to fill in any blanks and to confirm.

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