WineXpert Rasp/choc port problem(?)

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Jan 22, 2012
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:a1:a1:a1I'm new to homebrewing. This is my 3rd kit to make.First port, though. It's been 48 hours now since i started, and i dont see any gurgling thru the airlock. Is this supposed to show signs of fermenting, or is port different in that you cant see it ferment? I followed the directions to a T. Temp is 74, SG was on. Hopefully all is well. (It smells good so far) Thanks for any help. I hope someday I will be experienced enough to help a new guy out.
SG is really the way to check but if you open can you hear a sizzling sound like a can of soda pop? That is usually the first sign of a fermentation.
Sg 1.30??

Ok. Day 4, I stirred vigorously, and checked SG. It was 1.30. There was no hissing when I opened lid. There was water on underside of lid. Temp 74. I don't have any thing to add to the mix. I will call today for advise and perhaps yeast?
I think you might be reading it wrong. It should have started at around 1.130 before you pitched yeast. Mine fermented well but it did not have a real active ferment that I could really see. I had to use hydrometer readings to see it coming down, I could really smell it after the third day so I knew it was going good.
I assume you are at 1.030. It should hit 1.020 in a day or 2 and you can start chapitalization and add your dextrose.
Its a great kit, enjoy!
I hope I'm reading it wrong, but doubtful. WE rep said stir it and watch it for a few days. I'm not comfortable with that. I'd rather throw somemore yeast at it that I don't have!! I'm ordering some today. Hey Wade , how long can it sit like this before it's too late? Thanks y'all.
I believe im gonna save it. The SG was actually down to 1.030, then 1.025, then 1.020 today. I added 1/3 of the sugar pack and stirred like ill never stir again. I'll do it again tomorrow, and then Tues. I've heard it might not be wise to add the whole thing all at once. I spoke with Linda at WE. She said i won't necessarily see fermentation activity from the airlock. Said hydrometer tells all. I'm a believer now. I have a brew belt on it also. Thanks folks. I'll be lurking.:slp
Sometimes the 2 pce airlocks dont bubble and also sometimes the rubber grommets where you insert the airlock on the primary lid leak making it release gas before the airlock does resulting in no bubbling. Glad its working out for you, make sure you keep stirring it now and keep those temps up as this kit has trouble at this point getting all the way down and warm temps and 02 will help it finish.
Great that it is dropping in SG. Keep the brew belt on it. That kit can stop a little prematurely, so when the SG drop slows down at about 1.010, give the port a good (gentle) stir. Mine actually never got below 1.010, which is not terrible, but try to get it lower, if you can. I waited a year to start drinking mine. It is almost gone now. You will really like this one!
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My brew belt instructions said use it only for 7 days, then unplug it. Why is that?? Anybody keep theirs running longer?
I use mine on glass and have for many many years and have had them on for 2 months a few times while making a couple meads before my basement had heat down there.
Wow. This thing seems to be doing just fine now. Checked SG(.020) so I added 2nd 1/3 of sugar and swished real good. I'm using my 24" plastic paddle with 6 holes in it. Seems to put good amount of air bubbles into mix. Temp 75 degrees. Would you believe not 2 minutes after puting lid back on, the airlock got active for about 30 seconds! Pretty cool to know it's working.
Glad things are working well. This is awesome kit, you will really enjoy the final product!!! :D
Make sure its in the higher 70's and stir it good. Ive made thgis s few times and my first batch stopped right aroujd where your at but that was before we started stepping the sugar. Did you step the sugar in or follow the instructions. Whats the temp right now?
Hey Wade. Temp is 78-80. I've put 2/3 of sugar in. Waiting for 1.020 for last third. I'm stirring good every day.
Ok. Waited 2 days, SG down to 1.021. I added remaining sugar. Is it ok to not to add in equally spaced days? I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
Thats fine, just make sure its still going down before adding anymore sugar! This kit likes to get stuck and you still have a fpac to add so if it seems to be stopping go easy with the Chap pack as you will want to add the whole fpac as thats where all the flavoring is.