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100 miles to your south, we got <1", which has all melted except where it is in the shade.

Okay, I have to report/gloat. With a sunny day, our temperatures got into the upper 40s. My DW and I sat outside in the yard and had a beer in the sun. It was on the edge, but VERY WELCOME and enjoyable. :)
i got home from work and it’s a sunny 58F! Cranes and blackbirds are calling and the geese have returned to the pond.

Days like this I feel sorry for you poor bastards suffering through eternal sunshine and warmth (🦩) 🤣🤣. You don’t get to experience the joy of seeing that first hint of spring. Of course Ma Nature will probably hit us upside the head with more snow before the weeks out but I’ll enjoy it while I can 😃
i got home from work and it’s a sunny 58F! Cranes and blackbirds are calling and the geese have returned to the pond.

Days like this I feel sorry for you poor bastards suffering through eternal sunshine and warmth (🦩) 🤣🤣. You don’t get to experience the joy of seeing that first hint of spring. Of course Ma Nature will probably hit us upside the head with more snow before the weeks out but I’ll enjoy it while I can 😃

YES! Exactly on all counts. This was my day today, which was better than a sharp stick in the eye:


By the way, that was from a biergarten that is open all winter. This is how we roll in Wisconsin for biergartens in the winter:

Lots of movies are filmed in NM these days but this one is being filmed here in LA and is packed with A list talent. "Oppenheimer" will open in July of 2023 directed by Christopher Nolan (Batman, Interstellar, Dunkirk). Staring Cillian Murphy and Matt Damon as Oppie and Leslie Groves.

Full cast here: Oppenheimer (2023) - IMDb

Lots of movies are filmed in NM these days but this one is being filmed here in LA and is packed with A list talent. "Oppenheimer" will open in July of 2023 directed by Christopher Nolan (Batman, Interstellar, Dunkirk). Staring Cillian Murphy and Matt Damon as Oppie and Leslie Groves.

Full cast here: Oppenheimer (2023) - IMDb

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If it were 15 years ago, I would say that movie will be the bomb! :)