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Me: Hey Siri, how many super bowls has Green Bay won?

Siri: Four.

(they have ten "championships" from before the NFL established the playoff system).

During which time Pittsburgh won 0 NFL titles, despite competing in that league. There have been playoffs since 1933.

It's 2018 now. 1975 counts but 1966 doesn't? Good to know! :h
Nothing counts except for 2018. You know what that eagles 1960 championship means to me? Nada! It’s all about ‘what have you done for me lately’.

Yeah, I suspect the "rule" for most of us is: If it happened after I was 5, it counts. If it happened before I was 5, who cares!?

I remember being a kid when the Flyers won the Stanley Cup in '73/74 and '74/75. We went nuts. Overnight, we stopped playing stickball and football and started playing street hockey. In my worldview, NO TEAM in Philly had won it all in forever and a day, and we were so desperate for a W.

When I was much older, and the Phillies' 1980 World Series was just a memory, I realized "Hmmm, I suppose there has been as much time elapsed between 1980 and now as there was between 1960 (Eagles) or even 1964 (infamous Phillies collapse) and 1974." I suppose time gives us some perspective! But I am enjoying the cover you posted now!
I actually didn’t mean that. Just what ya say when ya only got 1 trophy!
I love stories from the old timers about Chuck Bednarik standing over NYG Frank Gifford’s lifeless body, or the Whiz Kids at Connie Mack Stadium - (I’m a sucker for old ballparks).
The history is a big part of fandom for me. And every city has some infamous teams. Talented writers can make ya salivate at the old times. Baseball especially. The 1919 Chicago White Sox World Series fixing (love Commiskey Park), Willy Mays and “The Catch” at the Polo Grounds (when ~500’ centerfield was the norm!) <— the original NYG. Even the damn Yankees in ‘The house that Ruth Built’.
The Steel Curtain in Pitt, ‘85 Bears Super Bowl shuffle, the dirty ‘86 Mets, Broad St Bullies, Ted Williams’ cryogenically frozen head, the 90’s cowboys full of ex cons, the Joe Gibbs era Redskins at RFK and the only pro team with a band, the ‘frozen tundra’ of Lambeau Field - it’s endless! And the history and rivalries are what makes it so great. I’ll stop rambling and leave you with one of my favs.
Off subject again but talking about old parks... I was lucky enough as a kid (7-9) to go to games at Candlestick with my grandfather and Uncle during the early/mid 60's. I didn't know squat about the game but listening to them talk in awe about Willie Mays and Willie McCovey and my uncles favorite Juan Marichal made me think they were magical. I remember the names, if not specific plays or games where Duke Snider, Gaylord Perry and Don Larson were in the games we watched but Willie Mays I remember and probably looked forward the most to watching play. Still a fan to this day whether they win or lose.
Sand Hill Cranes that Winter in the Bosque del Apache South of ABQ are headed back North the last few weeks. They are much more accurate than a large rodent in PA at predicting the end of Winter.

Lonely bench just off the trail in Hills Creek State Park. Just waiting for the summer when two teenagers meet, their families camping at the park, to walk the trail, to sit down,to hold hands and maybe to share their first kiss...

I collect two things. Guitars and obelisk.

I couldn't seem to fit this one in my pocket to bring home. :(

Here is one for you (which I took a number of years ago). A lot of history in those two obelisks! (For the nearer one, roughly 1800 years in Egypt, another 40 years in Alexandria, and then another 1628 years and counting in Istanbul.) The thing I really like about this picture is the juxtaposition of old and new. It was taken in, I think, 2005, when cell phones were much less common.

Lonely bench just off the trail in Hills Creek State Park. Just waiting for the summer when two teenagers meet, their families camping at the park, to walk the trail, to sit down,to hold hands and maybe to share their first kiss...

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Bill, I did not know you were such a ROMANTIC! :hug