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Lol, we always laugh at the year the snow was over the roof of the houses. Folks were snowmobiling right over!
Beef and Cheese Snack Sticks...

Another of my Grandsons and I made 12 # of Beef / Cheese / Pepperoni Snack Sticks.

Beef, spice mix, cure and High Temp Cheese in meat mixer.

Today, I smoked them with Mesquite till they reached an internal temp of
160 F and held that for 10 minutes.

Then they got a 10 minute shower to cool and set the Collagen Casings.

Helping make Snack Sticks  01-31-15  Resized 400.jpg

Pepperoni - High Temp Cheese Snack Sticks in Meat Mixer  01-31-15  Resized 400.jpg
Avantjour I posted a picture just like that a few weeks ago. I do my beef sticks in a food dehydrator though due to lack of a smoker. I have looked at those meat mixers. Are they really worth it if you're only doing 5-10 pounds at a time? Looks like a lot more clean up.
Is it just me, or do I detect a shortcut involving the word "mother"? :)

Yeah, I noticed that. Should I make him do it all over again?

(He doesn't know I know - his mother keeps his punishments secret from me, because "ohhhh, if you're father knew!!!")
Yeah, I noticed that. Should I make him do it all over again?

(He doesn't know I know - his mother keeps his punishments secret from me, because "ohhhh, if you're father knew!!!")

GUILT! Sweet tactic. :)
So yesterday was bottling time. My first from the barrel.
Yes, Runningwolf...

Yes, Runningwolf, I saw your post and it inspired me to make another batch of Snack Sticks.

Thank you for the idea, they turned out great.

For a small 5 # batch it would be easier to mix by hand then use a Meat Mixer.

I have a Weston 11 # Sausage Stuffer and I always use the 20 # Weston Meat Mixer for Sausage, Summer Sausage, Boudin, Cotto Salami, Snack Sticks and Burgers.

It's easy enough to clean. A bolt detaches the crank handle, the pivot knob on the far side is spring loaded. Pull it out and the blades lift out of the hopper.

It works well when I'm processing Deer or Pig into ground meat or pan sausage or into 1 # or 2 # meat bags for the freezer.

Meat Mixer  20 #   Resized 400.jpg

2011-10-08  Meat Bags - Tape Despencer  Resized 400.jpg
Very cool and I see you got a hydraulic cart from Harbor Freight.

Yes. My wine making area in my basement is very tight my kids tell me I'm a horder (cleaning out a little at a time mostly left over material from wood working projects) but when I was trying to figure out how I was going to work the barrel into things I saw the hydraulic cart and thought perfect set up. I could move it out of they way when I needed, up or down when I needed to rack in or out (didn't think at the time you could vacuum rack from the barrel which I haven't tried yet). The cart made all the difference, works great. ;)