peach blueberry port

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Feb 1, 2014
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Looking for a recipe or some ideas on making a 1 gallon test batch...any help would be greatly appreciated...thanks.
Blueberry makes a great Port-style wine, but Peach is such a light flavor that it'll probably get lost in the mix.

For a 1 gallon batch, I'd go with 6-8lbs of blueberries; keep it warm, because blueberries naturally contain benzoate, which hinders fermentation.

Depending on which method you want to use, kind of dictates the approach. You could start with a slightly-higher SG (in the 1.100-1.110 range), with plans to stop it somewhere between 1.010 & 1.030, depending on your intended final sweetness, using about a whole bottle of brandy to alcohol-poison the yeast into killing the fermentation

I havent done the math, just need to run your intended ABV through a Pearson's square with some 40% ABV Brandy, or higher-proof liquor if thats how you roll; i dont, personally, i use Brandy - but this will let you know how much Brandy/liquor you'll really need to boost the ABV high enough to knockout the yeast

Or you can ferment to dry, add brandy and possibly sorbate if you favor taste over abv-high-enough-to-kill-yeast, and then back-sweeten the wine from there.

Nothing wrong with either style - it's all about what you like, and how you want to achieve it - although the first option is more 'authentic' than the second... They'll both work.

You'll want to make sure you have your nutrient additions, and maybe add some additional things like Opti-Red or Booster Rouge to help boost color stability, enhance the mouthfeel.. Maybe even tannins.. You're looking at making something thats a little more flavorful, a little higher in alcohol, and its gonna take some sweetness, some mouthfeel, and the right acidity to balance that out into something you look forward to drinking
Thanks Folks for the help...I was thinking and I am new to this but 3 cans of frozen peach concentrate and 3 pounds of frozen blueberries then stopping ferment around 120 and adding either peach brandy or peach idea what additives I should add like tannin or anything else to make it balanced....very new to this but I love to sip Port when the weather gets Winter I hope....although still hoping this one will end :)...Just a PS I have belonged to many different forums and this one seems to have the most helpful members...thanks again
I just had a taste of my blueberry peach port last night. It's very good so far. Heavy on the blueberry flavour with just a hint of peach. I bought the peach essence flavouring so I wouldn't have to add that much volume in schnapps or in sweetness. I step fed sugar to my wine until it died out at around 1.010. It ended up around 19% and didn't have to use much brandy. I only used the brandy to top up after racking. This has a beautiful colour! It is bulk aging on heavy toast Hungarian oak. I'll be tweaking it with a bit more peach essence. The recipe I whipped up is in the Feb wine of the month thread. Used both frozen fruit and canned peaches in syrup.

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