I thought I would throw this out there for others about the bucket for a fermenter butI would advise to always use the 7.9 gallon bucket even for the 5 gallon batches. Some batches get a huge krausen depending on the yeast used.
Good luck with the stout. That is my favorite beer style. Seriously consider obtaining the proper yeast to ferment your beer. I was actually quite impressed with the RJSwebsite where they tell you this exact fact. I would look for a White Labs WLP004 Irish Ale or Wyeast 1084 Irish Ale yeast.
If you can't make starters get two tubes of the White Labs or if you get Wyeast, look for the Activator packs, not the Propagator packs. The Activator has enough yeast cells and a starter built in. You just smack the pack to break the inner seal, shake and wait for the yeast to start. I prefer to use two vials of White Labs though if I don't have time to make a starter.
Oh, and BTW, there is not much better smelling than a boiling batch of wort! I do all grain batches so my precess in very different than you would experience with a no boil kit but just had to throw out there that I love the smell ofbeer/hops boiling in the morning.
Also, it is only sticky/messy the first time or two you make a batch. Once you get your process down you make much much much less of a mess. I am anxious to hear others input on these kits. The process manufacturing these kits sounds very interesting. I have not been impressed with any of the regular extract/boil kits I have done although most swear by them. I think I must of made an error along the way as none would clear.
Boil Done, ready to move to fermenter