Hi from Alaska!

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Mar 20, 2024
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Hi. I recently joined homebrewtalk as I am making beer and cider. But also interested in wine too. I am researching the different kits. The winexpert kits seem easy enough for a beginner. Any advice will be greatly appreciated. Thanks for having me!
Welcome to WMT! There’s a lot of great information here and the folks are quite friendly and supportive. There’s a lot to read and so searching the forum for what you’re interested in is a good way to start, as is just asking.

I don’t have experience with WE kits, but I’ve made a bunch of the Label Peelers Finer Wine kits. There are a few threads about them here and quite a number of folks have made their products. I find them to be great kits.
Welcome to WMT!

Winexpert is a great choice, as is RJ Spagnols. Like David, I like FWK, but they are not pasteurized and are not shelf stable. They ship cold and need to be made or refrigerated immediately. Due to shipping timelines from the mid-west to Alaska, they're not a good choice, assuming LP will ship them to Alaska.

My advice for making a kit?

1. Read the instructions, start to finish, at least 3 times. Understand what you're reading and how the process flows.

2. Ask questions in the Beginners thread regarding anything that isn't crystal clear to you.

3. Follow the instructions for the first time, so you have practical experience. Experienced kit makers deviate from the instructions, but they have experience to guide them.

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