new member from new york city

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Sep 19, 2010
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hey all, my name is danny, i'm 27 and i'm from new york city. i've been making wine with my father since i was about 5 years old, although i'm pretty sure those first few years i was in the way more then i helped.

my father is from Galicia, Spain, and he grew up on a small vineyard there, where he learned how to make vino. we now make it in his backyard in queens, and it is an annual tradition. it used to be that we kept it all in barrels and that i'd be able to bottle some to take home when ever i wanted. last year i began making my own wine, a sangiovese. my father had never attempted to make that wine before. we made 15 gallons and kept it in a glass demijohn. it came out great, with a slightly bitter after taste.

my father makes a large amount of wine for himself. at least two different kinds of reds and one white (for my mother). he has helped many friends and family to get involved with homebrew.

the grapes in this area haven't quite come in yet, so we will be doing it all next week!!

i know i got a little long winded right here, but i'm looking forward to learning more and more about wine by being here.
Welcome from the Midwest sounds like you had a good teacher on learning old style wine making
Welcome. If you need help please ask away..
Welcome Danny, still waiting for most grapes here also but I did get my Chardonnay on Sat and ran through the process!
welcome danny! one of the fascinating aspects of this hobby AND this forum is "meeting" people from all over the world!
I was always helping my father and even as a teen sometimes I didn't understand why he would do what he did. Years later as you begin to learn you start to understand why he did what he did.

He was teaching me from the beginning and passed along a wealth of info. Learning was a blast.

Glad you joined. There's a wealth of knowledge here too.
Welcome to the forum. Bet your dad could teach all of us a thing or two about making wine.
I was always helping my father and even as a teen sometimes I didn't understand why he would do what he did. Years later as you begin to learn you start to understand why he did what he did.

He was teaching me from the beginning and passed along a wealth of info. Learning was a blast.

Glad you joined. There's a wealth of knowledge here too.

yes!! many times as a teen i fought with my dad about things with wine making, but i know now that he was always right. please, no one tell him i told him that.

Welcome to the forum. Bet your dad could teach all of us a thing or two about making wine.

if you don't mind being yelled at while working!!!!1