New from North Georgia

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Dec 10, 2012
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Hi all-

I decided it was time to come visit for some good old sharing of wisdom.

Basically, everything I like to drink is getting more and more expensive, and I figure learning more about making my own wines is probably the way to go.

My dad made some wines out of the grapes we had in the backyard when I was a kid, and one of them was so exquisite and perfect that I want to be able to create these myself. He hasn't made another one since.

I've tried my hand at making beer, and made a few good batches, and am currently attempting to flavour spirits that are more to my liking (honey type whiskies and brandies liken to a Drambuie flavour).

This seems to be a good place to start, even though I will have to try a lot of this in a backwoods/hillbilly type style given my location.

Good to meet you all!
Welcome to the forum. Sounds like you need to figure out how your dad made such nice wine and copy the procedure.

Hopefully we can help you with wine-related questions, but we can't comment on the spirits, as Big Brother may be listening and that subject is a taboo on a wine and beer forum.

Again, welcome and good luck.
Welcome to the forum from middle Georgia. My dad made wine the "old fashioned way" also, I don't recall it being that good. Good luck, I am sure you will learn a lot from this group.
Welcome wirehead, I hope that you can someday duplicate your dad's wine. then you can share your recipe!
Welcome! Any idea what kind of grapes the backyard grapes were? North Georgia, possibly Muscadine? That knowledge would help you on your search for exquisiteness! There is nothing like searching for that nostalgic flavor.

I remember trying to cook like my Mom, and following all her recipes including cooking her portion sizes though I was a single bachelor at the time, and couldn't duplicate her flavor no matter what I did, until I used Mortons Seasonings Salt and Pepper blend which has that distinct flavor of my childhood. The fun part was finding the flavor.
Thanks everybody, nice to feel welcome!

I stopped by my local winemaking shop and got the basics to start stage one, and I'm thinking about a mead to begin with. I have the honey on hand, and I'm googling for the JAO recipe. Try to get a nice bit of base knowledge hands on to start with, but not so big of a batch that I'm crying if it isn't perfect.

My lady wants a watermelon wine once I have a little under my belt.

As for the spirits, I should properly define that I am not distilling, I am flavouring already purchased alcohol. Anybody know a forum group for that kind of stuff?

But thanks again, and I am sure I will have more questions. :)
As a start, I highly recommend a skeeter pee. Not the first thing I would make but you will enjoy it and drink it quickly. there is a Myriad of possiblitiies with it.

I have heard that watermelon wine sometimes is a hard wine to make. I don't know personally.
Thanks everybody, nice to feel welcome!

As for the spirits, I should properly define that I am not distilling, I am flavouring already purchased alcohol. Anybody know a forum group for that kind of stuff?

Here is a link to flavoring some spirits. They have recipes for flavoring spirits. You just mention distillation on this site and some peeps get all nervous in the service. I guess they don't realize that there are dozens of websites, like this one, that are for distillation. Some think just because you even talk about it, some G-Man is gonna shut the entire site down. Perhaps they don't realize that you can "talk" about an activity under the 2nd Amendment. Conducting illegal activity is different from talking. Anyways, good luck on your flavoring.
Thank you very much! That is just what I am looking for. You are a gentleman and a scholar. :)

I really have to fix this darned sig.