New from N Texas

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Nov 6, 2007
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Hello I am new but have been reading for a while. I have two kits ageing in carboys a mm alljuice petite syrah and a mm alljuice shiraz and one i just started a mm Vinifera Noble Barolo. They all look and smell great and what great fun i have already had just putting them together. i look foreward to having greater fun drinking them
Hi Ron,

Welcome to the Forum. Glad to have you here. Lots of great people here who will become your friends!!! Very knowlegable too!!

Where in North Texas?

Welcome winefan to the forum and a great hobby...Have fun and enjoy..
Thank you for the welcome Ramona. I am in Pottsboro up by lake Texoma, north of Dallas.

I've fished in Lake Texoma and go past there a couple of times a year on the way up to Atoka, Ok.

Yes I have friends in Atoka. I live close to the lake and fish not a often as I would like to.
Hello Smurfe, You helped me through my first two kits by way of your step by step with photos. I can follow a color book but find all the written directions just a bit laborious ya know "sounds harder than it really is" Thanks for the help. Funny thing I had the lap top open on the table the directions laying next to it readthem three time's had your step by step pulled up and walked right through it. so far so good. another couple of weeks until first bottling can't wait
Welcome winefan. I agree, the people on this forum are very helpful. I'm only on my 3rd batch and they have helped me the whole time. Couldn't have done it without them.
Thanks for the welcome Moose, You are right the people here are great. I have even been to the store to meet George and Mark they are awesome. I plan many more kits. I ordered the fresh frozen for may 5th probably going to need a little help on that one. I will post pictures.
Welcome to the forum winefan. Glad to have you onboard Edited by: Waldo
winefan said:
Hello Smurfe, You helped me through my first two kits by way of your step by step with photos. I can follow a color book but find all the written directions just a bit laborious ya know "sounds harder than it really is" Thanks for the help. Funny thing I had the lap top open on the table the directions laying next to it readthem three time's had your step by step pulled up and walked right through it. so far so good. another couple of weeks until first bottling can't wait

Thanks, glad I was able to help.
yes we do have lakes they are long but not very wide.
Very nice striped bass fishing. thanks for the welcome.
After about 5 weeks of bulk aging I tasted the mm all juice Shiraz and the petite Sarah they areto say the leastspecial and coming along.The look, smell and taste are what I wished and hoped forI would love to go into more detail but suffice to say I should be bottling this weekend. wow I am excited (my first time) I will post photos.