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I broke my 6 gal (Mexican)carboy .All I can find to replace it are the Italian made ,which are larger.If anyone has a 6 gal. Mexican carboy for sale please let me know Wray
Usually if you give the carboy a sharp twist, the sediment caught in the grooves will free up and settle down in a day or two.I don't like the ribs on the Italian carboys, the settlings sit on ribs and get into wine when racking off.
I know, just like not having to deal with it. Using my Mexican bottles as much as possible. Hell I hate they they are more than 6 gallons ,too. To much head room so they are good as secondary fermenters. I dont care if they have head room and leave some lees in wine when coming out of SecondaryUsually if you give the carboy a sharp twist, the sediment caught in the grooves will free up and settle down in a day or two.