My label

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Aug 28, 2008
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I would like any suggestions on my label! My husband and I are from NC and visit the lighthouse in the backgrd every weekend. It’s an important place to us. I took this picture and then used Photoshop to turn it into a drawing. I think it still has too much "white space". We are making our first batch of wine this evening and we are super excited about this new hobby!

<?:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:eek:ffice" />
Welcome Chatterbox....Nice to have you here.

What is your first wine going to be????

On your label...great start using your own photo...
Would the bottle size be 720 mil??? See that figure [I think] in the bottom left corner.
Thanks! We wanted something original, that’s ours, but yet simple. I thought the standard size was 750 mL. Is that not right? <?:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:eek:ffice" />

I have a friend that is a graphic design artist and she is going to look at it next week to see what she can come up with.

It’s going to be TROPICAL FRUIT RIESLING. We are just starting with a kit. We have bought a few books and would like to venture on our without using the kit. But decided for the first try we use the kit to see how everything works.
If there is one thing you will learn on here chatterbox it's that "Nothing is normal"

Welcome to the forum

If you posted the original picture perhaps we could give you some ideas tooEdited by: Waldo
Welcome chatterbox. I like the label a lot and must say well done, especially for a 1st 1!
So how is the kit mixing up Chatter? First Welcome, and please feel welcome here! You might want to change the 12.0 ACL to 12% ABV, but then it doesn't really matter since these labels are for your own usage.

Let us know how it goes!
Thank you for the welcomes!

Yeah its my first label and I don't really exp with these photoshop programs...

here is the org pic...


and here is another I was thinking about using...we are beached, its called being to lazy to move the boat.

The tide will come back in, enjoy some more wine :)

Nice label
WOW that’s an awesome idea! Thanks for the help!!! From what I'm noticing winemaking is the only part to this process :) <?:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:eek:ffice" />

We made our first batch last night at 8:50 PM EST.
The people around here are so creative with their labels...and share their ideas freely.

I am sure you'll enjoy being around this very diverse and sharing group.
Out of everything I made, I think the husband loved this one the best. He loves that Shamrock boat :)

Welcome chatterbox.

I like the one with the boat the most. Do you have any pictures of just the lighthouse taken from out in the water? It looks like a pretty shoreline. That would look nice on the label too.

Here are two other



We are moving along with the first batch of wine. We have a few more steps before we get to the fun part...TASTING DAY! We are on Day 13 of our 28 day batch. We are already planning are second batch :)
Very nice labels Chatterbox, kinda puts mine to shame, have you heard of Avery 5160? a nice 1"x2 5/8" multi use label.
I like the lighthouse one not many of them here.