Merlot has Oxidised - Any Hope ?

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Feb 22, 2011
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I have a Demijohn of 50L that has oxidised possibly due to insufficient SO2 or low levels.
Looks Ok, not much browning but the taste has gone off.
Is there anything i can try to clean it up. I'm happy to use this batch as a trial and attempt various things for experience evan if I can salvage a few litres.
Its not that far gone and it would be good to salvage it if possible.
Yes, vinegar is always an option but I alreay have2 years supply of that.
Are you sure the wine just hasnt changed profiles or closed up temporarily? Some wines go through phases and the flavor can change dramatically for awhile while aging then come back. Ive had this happen many times along with many other people.
Well hi there Wade, and you strated me thinking about that. Its a 2009 Merlot that my Dad made and just never got bottled. I swear that it tasted differently 3-4 months ago, but I did notice that the level on the demijoh was a little low. My Dad was always concerned about overdoing it with K-Met & thus I assumed that he may have goner a little light.
I have noticed recently that if I decanter it into an open vessel an leave it for 3 hrs or so, it cahanges its odour and taste for the better. So I don't know if its changing or not. Just keen to improve it a bit and get it bottled.
If its a 2009 then it really shouldnt be going through this phase, it would most likely have done this quite some times ago.