Looking for a garlic wine recipe

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Senior Member
Nov 5, 2006
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I have a pile of garlic sitting on my counter. I would like to make a gallon of garlic wine. I know that our new compatriot Ian_Scott has made garlic wine. Just wondering who else has made it, and hoping that everyone will share their recipe..

Thanks, Steve
Hi Steve,

My recipe for garlic wine is here. Enjoy! Great stuff to cook with!

For me, it was a spur of the moment thing - and I had no lemons on hand - so I used the Realmon juice. It worked fine.
When I first read Garlic Wine, I thought UGH
then "Great stuff to cook with" caught my attention!!!!
We eat ALOT of garlic here and need to give this a try~~ :b
A question?
Can I use lime juice instead of lemon juice in these wine recipes?? :b
sorry Steve,

Have never made it, from what I can find written about it though, it's very strong and on a par with making onion wine..not drinkable, but good for cooking with. I'm experimenting with rosemary in a small flagon currently, also very strong in flavour.

sorry Steve,

Have never made it, from what I can find written about it though, it's very strong and on a par with making onion wine..not drinkable, but good for cooking with. I'm experimenting with rosemary in a small flagon currently, also very strong in flavour.


Actually, it is drinkable! Not something I'd want to sip on for pleasure, but when I tried mine - it was not unpleasant. I've had homemade grape wines that were downright awful in my opinion - and the garlic wine did not rate as "downright awful."

I do need to do more of it - I promised Daniel Pambianchi I'd make him some - and I'm thinking of three gallons, with some experiments such as adding various herbs and spices to the bottles after fermentation. Hot chili is one I'm thinking of - a very hot single chili added to a few bottles, which will be used for cooking with.
Steve, I live in the far north all winter thinking about things to make wine from. Gotta draw the line with the garlic however. i do have some suggestions for garlic unrelated to wine, don't get me wrong, ever since I hung some in front of my door, I haven't seen ONE vampire. One time I thought I seen two, then I closed one eye and they both went away!!!!! I think I'll save the rest for smagetti.

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