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Great news NW...May you have an even better repor next trip to the wizard
NW, Life is a Journey and you, my Friend, walk the path with grace and love of life.

Here is to NW.....
uavwmn said:
NW, Life is a Journey and you, my Friend, walk the path with grace and love of life.

Here is to NW.....

And UAVWMN......I see your glass is "Half Full"
Well....I see by the Clock on the Wall...The party is over [at least for today]

It's my 'Turn in the Barrel' [so to speak]...Tomorrow, it's back in the Ct Scan machine.

So...I am about to ingest my last swig of wine for the evening...and prepare to ingest 1/3 of a bottle of Redi-Cat [Barium] Nasty-Foul stuff...then the rest in the morning before I leave and the rest before I enter the clinic.

Get the Ct Scan done and then the 'Weekend of Worry'...

My regular Doctor has left the Clinic to work at the more prestigious Roger Maris Cancer Treatment the bright lights of Frago ND.
He will come to our clinic on an OutReach basis and I will see him next Tuesday for the results of this Ct Scan....He will be here a few days every few weeks till a new Oncologist is hired....or, I can drive to Fargo to see him.

So...I have kind of blocked this out of my pea brain and suddenly the reality has checked in....

I have been feeling 100%....but, occasionally the facts cross my mind.
I think everything is fine and he will send me on my way to enjoy more of this so called 'Drug-Vacation'.... telling anything till next Tueday when I see him to get the results of the test.

I don't have time for any Chemo or related problems....we have a vacation to take care of in this Cancer thing has to wait.

I wonder how Swill is doing...
Can't shake him out of my mind...
Has anyone heard from Him????
Wonder if he is home yet???
He has a much heavier cross to bare than I.

Till Tuesday...
Good luck to you NW with your test. I hope you get the results we are all hoping for. You, Swill and anyone else who needs them, has all of our prayers behind you.
Hey NW, GOOD LUCK with your test. Sorry I'm responding late on this post, I don't know howI missed it. BEST WISHES!!!!
Amen to what Rich said. you 2 and and anyone else going through troubles like this!
It is so hard when you have to wait over a weekend for test results. Hoping and Praying that all news is good and you can go to Mexico with nothing over your head except SUNSHINE!!!!!

Prayers, Ramona
I can't think of anything to say that hasn't already been said.
We'll be praying for you!
It's almost noon here, and when the clock moves that far forward I will raise my glass and toast you. May the scan be clear!

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