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Tomorrow I would be going in for treatments....But, it is the first day of my 'Drug-Vacation'....I won't go in again till Dec. 5 for a Ct Scan ans see the Dr. the following Tues.....he will decide what treatments will follow....So, the next 6 weeks are for me.

My tumors had shrunk, but were still there. I was down to 103# and my hands and feet were always numb, as well my feet were turning purple and peeling. My fingers had already peeled twice. Just side effects from the drugs, this was expected. I still get numb fingers when they get cold, sleeping with the windows open I sleep with cotton gloves...or I wake up with stiff, numb fingers that won't bend till they warm up. Otherwise they are getting better everyday. If I travel around on the Gator without gloves my fingers get have to dress accordingly.

I hope if I get treatments in the winter it will be a different drug or being outside or going to the ice fishing house won't be happening....

I am feeling good, got the garden almost all cleaned out...tho it is all stored out in an old shed and still has to be hauled into the root cellar and much given away. The Dahlia and Canna bulbs finally got frosted last night, so should be able to dig and store them next week or so....

I feel stronger everyday, and had put on a couple pounds. Trying to build up some muscle, so walk more than before and don't get as tired doing just little chores....So am improving alot. I have mixed up 2 batches of wine and think I am done in the cannery/kithen for the season...might just throw away the last of the tomatoes, just keep enough for eating....There still are apples, but might juice them as I mix up batches of wine...or give them away....Then the kitchen needs a major cleaning after all that daily activity in there....

So, tomorrow someone who needs my appointment more than me will be sitting in my big cushy Lazy-Boy recliner taking their treatment....I will be putzing around here enjoying the 'First Day Of The Rest Of My Life'.....but, everyday is the first day of the rest of all our lives.

Will keep you posted on conditions and changes....

I had noticed you slacking off on the visits here also lately, but I think I saw you here yesterday briefly.

I hope you get recovered well for the next round if necessary. It would be great if you didn't need any more treatments. I'm keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.
I hope I never have to face your challenges NW but if it comes I pray for just half the strength and will you have.
This 'Drug Vacation' has been wonderful...[that's what they called my vacation from Chemo drugs]

I have been able to do anything I want to, including drinking wine [it finally really tastes good]
Been riding the Gator outside in cold weather....
Dressed cold deer meat....
Can run out to the garage without putting on gloves...
Can get stuff out of the fridge and freezer without gloves...
Can get food out of store coolers without wearing gloves...
Even went to the fish house [did wear gloves] So, the tingling in my hands and feet that I got from the cold has passed as the drugs wore off.

So many things got better as the drugs wore off...
Food tastes good and I am always hungry...Put on 10 pounds...[feed conversion of a Feeder Pig.]
I can sleep for hours and wake up in a fairly good mood.
The 'roid-rages' have past...Yes, I was moody, tired, weak and not a really Happy Person.

So, today I went in for blood tests and a Ct Scan, sitting in the waiting rooms brought back lots of memories....Won't get the results till next Tuesday when I go in to see the Oncologist...

This was a 'Drug Vacation' not the end of treatment...We'll see what 'The Wizard' has planned and what treatments he'll pull out of his bag of tricks.

So, maybe the 'Good Times' will be over and more treatment will resume. I thought I was feeling so crummy from the disease, but it was from the Medication...I had felt 100% when they started treatment and it took several weeks to regain the strength and well being after they quit injecting and prescribing those Chemo drugs.

I did learn a few things about feeling good. Never take feeling healthy for granted.....savor every day that your feet are on the ground.

Life is Good!!!!

Edited by: Northern Winos
Well said NW. As long as we keep our feet on the ground and aren't 6 feet under the ground, we are in good shape. I know if I have a few aches and pains that I am still here- and lately I have been more aware that I am still here.

Here's to hoping the wizard is good to you and keeps it simple and not too many drugsat once.
I agree with Appleman but hope the next round gets every little bitty C-cell there is and KILLS 'EM DEAD!
My wish for you, Swill, and anyone else going through this is that there are no sleeper cells left over when its all done!
Thanks Guys.....
I thought I was cured two years ago....
This disease is really sneaky...You feel 100%...but the Scans say something is growing...So, try to nip it in the bud....
Just read this topic. We have a nephew who is a cancer survivor,and he said that he could feel the prayers. Hope you can feel these. Keep the faith.

Your Mini Journals are an inspiration to all of us....and those fighting cancer could find comfort in your posts....I've said this before....You should write a book. With your Positive Attitude.......and howYou Make every Challage a Positive......
is such an inspiration....You and Swill should Colaborate!!!!!
You all give us a new way to look at life when we wake up in the morning!!!!

Thanks to the both of you!!!!
RamonaEdited by: rgecaprock
Thanks for the update, NW. Very inspiring. If you did write a book, I would certainly buy it and read it. Please keep us posted on Tuesday.
Life is Good and full of good Christmas surprises....

Got to see the "Wizard' today and got the results of the CT Scan....nothing has changed in the past 2 months....So, go back in 2 months for another CT Scan.

The tumors are still present, a couple have shrank and the others have remained the same.

All the organs are normal in size and function.

I can spend the winter enjoying the outdoors without the nuisance adverse reactions to the cold from the Chemo drugs.

I can eat ice cream and drink cold water to my hearts content without my mouth tingling and my lips shrinking, getting numb and looking like I just suffered a stroke.

I can go to the fridge and freezer without wearing gloves.

I can drink wine.

I can taste food.

I can sleep.

I can live a normal least for 2 more months.

Thank you for all your prayers, good wishes, encouraging words and being there to hold my hand and help bear my cross.....

I wish you all Good Heath, Good Luck in your ventures and an excellent Christmas Season and much Prosperity in the coming year.

Life is indeed Good!!!!!

Edited by: Northern Winos
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0>
<TD align=middle> </TD></TR>
<TD> </TD></TR></T></TABLE>heres hoping your holidays will be bright and filled with love and warmth, Lucille and i do know what your going through..happy holidays my fine vine wine making friend

While the threat hasn't gone away for good, it certainly is good news that things haven't gotten worse and you are able to continue on with a semi-normal life. Enjoy the break from treatment and here's to your continued recovery.
Cheers to you all!!!!

I am truly Blessed this Holiday Season.....


Hope all of you are Blessed as well...
Good Health and Good Fortune to all!!!
So glad that Santa came early to your place! Now, find invitations to every holiday party that you can!
NW. That is great news!!!! Wish I could be there to share a glass of wine with you!!!

As Ramona said "Wish I could be there to share a glass of wine with you", but I will raise a glass to you for your spirit of living life to it's fullest...