Mosti Mondiale La Bodega Port (Double Batch!)

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A lot of people say everclear has no taste. I disagree. The burn (95% ABV) definitly hides the taste. But as you dilute it, you get the taste to come through.... Try it... With water dilutions. I do not think the grain taste matches with the Port the best.
Granted.... The old style methods were to fortify with grape based spirits that are really high ABV. That is certainly a great way. But as home winemakers... I prefer to get the ABV up as much as I can naturally, then add the finishing touch with another grape based liquid (Brandy).

Keep in mind... They had to have a very strong fortifier because they have to add so much. They would halt fermentation at SG 1.030 with enough spirits to bring the ABV to 20%. That can be alot of liquid if it was only 40%.

Since we finish fermenting when dry... It takes less to bring up the ABV. So we have more options dependant on the flavors.

I hope this all makes sense.

Joel, I agree 120%! Make your own high alcohol grape based "brandy" if legal in your area of the world! It's sorta legal here depending on what you call it. And finally, someone with a palate who can taste the grains! Cudos to you!

Enquiring minds want to know what type of Brandy did you use? I agree that Everclear has a taste for sure. I was under the impression it would be masked when mixed in with the wine but looks like its not. If you say you can taste it, I believe you and I believe I could still taste it.

I can taste Sorbate and Sulfites that I shouldn't be able to but I can which is why I now leave out Sorbate (if possible) and am testing for Sulfites and only adding when needed and not just every 90 days.

Great info guys. Any other tips for this rookie "port maker" is much appreciated!
Is there a particular brand that is a good buy for the $$$$ or is any inexpensive one like E&J OK?
I would see if you can find a high alcohol grappa instead.
Grappa is expensive. (good, but expensive)

I used V&J XO on mine, and am very happy with it. I found it on sale.
I will spill the beans about my next expirement....

Now there is 4 Vodkas (maybe more), but 4 main Vodkas that are made from "Fine wine grapes" I am going to do a bench trial to see how this would taste in Port. I tried one of these a while back, it was very interesting, but I have never heard of someone using it in Port.

You can look these up online.... Roth California Vodka and Ciroc Vodka are 2 of them....
Now I'm concerned. In June I started a double batch of the LaBodega Port andjust racked from a new Vadai 6 1/2 gallon barrel yesterday after 3 months. Added the F-pack and fortified before it went into the barrel. Now the barrel is filled with this years Zinfandel from fresh grapes. Not worried about the Port, it tastes great after being in the new barrel. I'm worried about the barrel having residual sweetness from the F-pack. I rinsed it well so hope I'm ok.

The Port will now rest in a 3 year old neutral Vadai barrel for then next 18 months or so.
I think you will be fine. If you gave the Barrel a good rinse... I don't think the amount that would be left and have the potential to be released into that amount of wine would be a concern at all. IMO

Ohhh.... And by the way.... I am jealous of that Port!!! sounds great
Starting shopping around for some decently priced VSOP and XO Brandy. Not too bad most were running around $13 a bottle for E&J.

I have yet to do the calculation but approx how many bottle(s) of Brandy are we looking at here for a 6 gallon batch?
Depneds if you are going to raise the SG when it hits 1.010....

I like the XO because it really helps with that "carmel" taste. I love that in a Port. The VSOP tents give give it a little more spice. IMO
I'll probably let it finish to dry and then add the F-pack and fortify so it should be close to 15% to start.
Keep in mind.... The volume of the f-pack will lower the ABV some. (its a big f-pack).

Plan on a couple bottles of Brandy....
Sounds good.

Just checked the SG. I pitched the yeast a week ago tonight and as of 9:00AM we are at a very nice 1.002!

Will let it go in a snapped, airlocked primary until tomorrow then transfer to Glass and add 1/2 the oak (plus Vadai)

Keeping this guy a little warmer at 74 degrees and trying hard to dampen the temperature swings has made for an efficient and timely fermentation.
And the double batch of liquid silk is in the clearing stage waiting it's turn in the Vadai!


Final SG was 0.996 so that makes this guy right at 15.2% ABV.

I don't know how to calculate ABV once I add the F-Packs and then Fortify. If there a good website that has a calculator for fortifying Port?

Point me in the right direction if there is!
But once I add the F-Pack(s) in I won't know the ABV anymore.

Is there a calculation for that dilution somewhere or can you just re-test the SG and recalculate using the new (higher) SG?
ibglowin said:
But once I add the F-Pack(s) in I won't know the ABV anymore.

Is there a calculation for that dilution somewhere or can you just re-test the SG and recalculate using the new (higher) SG?

When I fortified my La Bodega last summer I wrote my own Excel spreadsheet for calculating Fortification.
I used a half and half mix of XO flavored Everclear and VSOP brandy.
I used formulas that I found here.
Anybody have any suggestions to top off this wine while it is in the Vadai barrel for 6 months?

I lose 2-3 oz a week to the "angels share" so over 6 months that adds up to 1-1.5 bottles of something.......