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Senior Member
Aug 16, 2006
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It's been a while since I've posted. Took a break from winemaking for a while. I have 2 questions/problems:

1.) I started a Vinifera Noble - Castel del Papa a little over a year ago. Got to the 2nd step (I think) where it's in the carboy with the oak chips. I haven't touched it since. Have maintained water in the airlock, but this thing has been sitting on the oak and lees for over a year, with no k-meta added or anything. Should I even dare taste it to see if it's still drinkable, or just dump it and move on?

2.) At the same time (little over a year ago) I purchased a Cellar Craft 5 week kit...a Syrah. It's still sitting in the box. Is this one too old to make, or should I give it a try and see what happens?

Would like to salvage these kits if possible, but also don't want to take any chances.
I think you should try bottling those wines. Rack 'em, taste 'em, add some kmeta and bottle. They are most likely ready to drink right now.
For the CC Syrah I would pick up some new yeast and make the kit.
Welcome back to the forum. BTW I am in Tampa (just north) as well.
I was thinking of giving #1 the sniff test tonight and then tasting it. Maybe it survived.
I am also just north of Tampa...Land O Lakes to be exact.
I too would be reluctant to throw them out. Give the VN kit a smell/taste test. Hopefully sitting on the lees that long hasn't resulted in any rotten egg smell, but you should be OK. Like was said, rack it, add some K-meta to protect it, and bottle.

Regarding the CC kit, if it's been sitting there a year I would replace the potassium sorbate (assuming it has some) as well as the yeast. Potassium sorbate has a fairly short shelf life -- some say 8-10 months.

You might check the expiration date on the CC kit and give George a call.
The gross less being on for a year could be a show stopper. On the other hand since the wine was never degassed, perhaps the co2 protected it from spoiling. Get it off the gross lees immediately. See if it passes the smell test after that. Then the taste test if you dare! K-Meta for sure......
For the Vinifera Noble, I agree with Ibglowin about the CO2 possibly having protected the wine from oxidation. The carboy is presumably topped up and you never racked it to introduce oxygen. I recommend tasting it. If it tastes decent, check the clarity. After a year it may have cleared on its own without any clearing agents. Assuming it tastes ok and is clear, rack it to a bottling bucket and bottle. Give it a month for bottle shock and enjoy.

The CC kit has a production code on the bottom of the box. I have one which says:

"Lot# I03912SA".

That decodes to 3 Sep 09. "A" is January, "B" is February, etc. The "12SA" doesn't have anything to do with the date of manufacture. Let us know what the kit's age is. Generally it is said that if the juice hasn't turned brown from oxidation it is okay to use. You will need fresh yeast probably. The yeast has an expiration date on it.

Good luck and welcome back!
Oh, I forgot. You need to check to see if the wine tastes fizzy before bottling. You might have to degas...
Yes the carboy is topped up. So I don't think oxygen will have been a problem. Was more worried about the lees and wood chips. I will check everything when I get home tonight and post back to let you all know what the verdict is.

Thanks for the replies. I'm getting the winemaking itch back! Been busy learning how to play guitar, but realized i miss making wine...and my racks and wine cooler are getting below the 100 bottle!
you say you forgot about it- let's all agree that you simply decided to bulk age it for a year or so. Since you racked it out of the primary and maintained the airlock water level, I'll bet you dimes to donuts that it's ok. Maybe better than ok - like really well-aged and delicious! I wish I had that kind of patience, even if it was by accident.
WineNewbie said:
I was thinking of giving #1 the sniff test tonight and then tasting it. Maybe it survived.
I am also just north of Tampa...Land O Lakes to be exact.

I have a friend that's from Land O Lakes. His family still lives there.
I agree with Bart that the wine that has been in the carboy will either be fine or awesome. Since you racked it off the primary lees then the lees in that carboy are secondary and leaving the wine on them is actually a process many wineries use called "Surlies". Im not exactly sure how long they do this for and this possibly may have been too long but surely give it a try. I would rack off the lees into another carboy and give it a quick taste and if it tastes good immediately sulfite it and then decide if it needs degassing. If it has way too much oak flavor for you then I would keep aging it and then blend it with another wine. For the other kit check the expiration date on the back of the yeast packet. Even if it is past that just make a yeast starter before starting the wine kit and if it starts youll be god to go.
I agree with it being like a surlies application. It just might be fabulous!

I can't imagine it having any CO2 left, after all this time under an

The oak has likely long since been neutralized. Maybe if you didn't have too much oak in to begin with, it will be OK from that standpoint.

Give it a try.

Please, please, we are now very curious, so let us know how it turns out!
I just bottled a Pinot Noir that I had in the carboy for almost 2 years! Hadn't added any sulfite to it since. Put in the clearing agents a week ago and bottled last night! Tastes awesome! So give it a try, might be the best wine you've ever made!
So guess its true this is a very forgiving addiction/hobby!

The wine gods have smiled upon you.
The best thing to do out of concern for you and your family is to send a bottle to each member that posted on this thread and let them sample it first. We'll get the results back to you asap if we're still able to.