Is it too early to start thinking about 2018 harvest?

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Super Moderator
Apr 18, 2014
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Sierra Foothills, Nor Cal
I have a pretty good wine tracking spreadsheet that I use to keep up with my SO2 test/addition dates.
Tempranillo 3/3/2018
Cabernet Sauvignon 3/3/2018
Petit Verdot 3/31/2018
Chardonnay 3/9/2018
Port 3/31/2018
Cab Franc 3/31/2018
Summer 2nd Run Cab 4/2/2018
Petite Sirah 3/16/2018

I noticed that there is absolutely nothing for me to do now and through the month of February, besides topping the barrel. It got me thinking about this upcoming season. I made 150+ gallons this year and once again I am vowing to cut back on the volume of wine I am going to make.

I've made Cab Franc in 2013 (with my mentor), 2014, 2015, 2017 on my own. There was not a year that I did not like and it seems to be a crowd pleaser, so this is number one on the list for my 60 gallon French oak barrel. There is a local winery that uses these same grapes and blends 20% Petite Sirah, so I am thinking of doing 15-30 gallons of that. I have made Chardonnay the last two years and I made enough this year (24 gallons) that I should have enough to last two years. I am thinking of doing Viognier, if I can find a vineyard that will sell them to me. (I know they are around).

How about you?
No. And frankly, you're a bit late. ;) Although I'm talking southern hemisphere. Doing a small batch of Carmenere/Petite Verdot.

FWIW, Viognier is probably my favorite white wine. I've got a 2017 Cab Franc going from Amador that so far is turning out very well. May do it again. And I love Petite Sirah on its own and as a way to add structure and mouthfeel.

PS: Just noticed you're a Moderator now. Congrats!!
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I noticed that there is absolutely nothing for me to do now and through the month of February, besides topping the barrel. ?
I just noticed I have to start bottling some wine, I'm running low on carboy space! Only have an open 6, 5 and two 3 gallon carboys. So this was a nice reminder to start bottling a few batches to make room for a few this Spring.
Really? Do you still make wine? :D
He's too busy traveling and getting used to his impending retirement. Ha, he'll be busier retired than he was when he was working!
I guess the answer is the same as it was a couple weeks back when you asked that very same question.......

I have 140 gallons in various stages of bulk.......

I have 5 LR white wine kits sitting in their boxes still.

At some point the pipeline will become full and you don't actually have to make wine for awhile. You can rest and actually just drink some wine for a season or two........


Really? Do you still make wine? :D
I guess the answer is the same as it was a couple weeks back when you asked that very same question.......

I have 140 gallons in various stages of bulk.......

I have 5 LR white wine kits sitting in their boxes still.

At some point the pipeline will become full and you don't actually have to make wine for awhile. You can rest and actually just drink some wine for a season or two........

View attachment 45911

Nice collection, when I grow up I want to be like you. LOL
At some point the pipeline will become full and you don't actually have to make wine for awhile. You can rest and actually just drink some wine for a season or two........

For some, all the fun is in the doing, making and creating, not the having.

If not doing, then there is no fun. Taking a rest is not an option. ;)
For some, all the fun is in the doing, making and creating, not the having.

I agree, I enjoy the making of the wine more than owning/storing/drinking. The same thing when I was restoring cars. It would take me a year of constant work and usually within a year of finishing them, I would end up selling it.
View attachment 45921

I agree, I enjoy the making of the wine more than owning/storing/drinking. The same thing when I was restoring cars. It would take me a year of constant work and usually within a year of finishing them, I would end up selling it.

I always wanted to restore old cars and trucks but I never had the space and always had too many other hobbies.
Oh now that is a nice Austin, love my British cars have had an MGA,TR4A and Spitfires love working on them, but you have to love the Prince of Darkness to work on the British cars dang Lucas. LOL
I made the Healey community mad when I painted it a ‘67 Jaguar British Racing Green, but I loved the color and looked a whole lot better than the white it originally came with.
Lucas builds the electronics for beer refrigerators for pubs in England, warm beer anyone? I had a couple of spitfires in my teens then moved up to a 67 GT6 Mark 3. Loved that car, crashed it into a brick wall and destroyed the body. I found a gutted clean body and spent about a year transplanting the running gear and polishing and chroming all the engine parts I could. I drove that one for about 3 years before giving it to my brother when it was time for a more Family Friendly car. Still probably the most fun to drive car I've ever owned. 6 cylinders and I pegged it at 130 more than once. GT6.jpg This pic is the closest I could find, mine was white with a red strip. Same spoke wheels with real brass knock off wings instead of lugs.
Yep Lucas the prince of darkness LOL Nice GT6 was looking at making a Spit6 but never came to fruitation.