Making the best wine from what the vineyard gives you

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Apr 18, 2014
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Sierra Foothills, Nor Cal
I have 3 varietals in the vineyard; Zin, Syrah, Cab Sauv. Last year I netted 50 gallon Syrah, 60 gallon Zin and 30 gallon Cab Sauv. The Syrah is the best grape in the vineyard, just not a fan of Zin, but Zin grapes are what they should be and the Cab Sauv should not have been planted; just too hot in our area.

2023: Free run Syrah 40g, 20g free run Zin and made a barrel with a lot of promise, cab in Spiedels, gave the rest away.

My plan this year is to make a full Syrah barrel, yield wiling. I will backfill with Zin again if I don’t get enough. I think I’ll make some rose Zin, some red Zin, but give most of it away. The cab will be added to my cab from last year and go into a 60g barrel. I have some left over petit verdot that will probably find its way into the barrel.