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Jun 23, 2013
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Hey everybody! I am new to this forum and very new to wine making. I made my first batch of wine several years ago more as an experiment than anything else but am wanting to give it another go. I'm not much of a wine drinker per se but do enjoy sharing it with others and I enjoy the process of making it. Surprisingly enough, my first batch of wine was wild blackberry and it turned out okay, although I must admit it was more of a blackberry liqueur than wine, but none the less a relative success. With that, here I am wanting to learn a little more on this craft of wine making and hope to learn from ya'll and past experiences. Cheers!
Welcome to the forum! I learned most of my wine making skills from here. The nice thing about this board is that you will get many different points of views on things which is good for learning. I myself tend to take a scientific approach to wine making in the hope of obtaining good information from every batch success and failure and getting predictable and accurate results.
That can be rather helpful in wine making. Wine is both art and science. I tend to be better at the science end it would seem lol.
Howdy from the right side fo Texas. You'll like it here.

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