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Sep 23, 2011
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We live in central Michigan on the banks of the Grand River. Every year I fill our freezer with juice from blueberries, elders, blackberries, and all three raspberries! Our grapes should start producing in a couple of years, if the deer don't eat them all! I have always made jelly from the juice and passed it out for Christmas gifts. This year was a great elderberry year, I have enough for 11 batches of jelly but one can only eat so much jelly! I want to get into wine making. I've read a lot about it on the internet but it seems the more I read the more confused I get! I hope I can learn a lot here. Glad to be a member!
Its not all that scary as you think at all! Dont get me wrong as you can easily turn it into something confusing with all the equipment and Ph and Ta but truth be told I know plenty of people who make their wine to taste and not by the #'s and it comes out great. It may not stand 10 years in the cellar but not many people here can do that anyway!!!!

Alot of us make fruit wines (me) so ask away if you are planing on it.
Thanks for the warm welcome. Step one is find a store near me that carries the supplies. Until then I'm just going to read through the forums and learn stuff!