Hello from Northeastern PA

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Sep 13, 2012
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Hello everyone! I am still in the research stage, and so glad I found this forum! Been lurking around for a bit, and Since I'm about psyched enough to 'take the plunge' very soon, figured I'd better post, Since I'll undoubtedly have ?'s

I've already read a ton of great info here! I have a couple questions, but I think I'll save them for after some sleep, as I've been reading all night! Need some :sl for now.
Welcome, If you run into any problem, real or imagined ask away. usually somebody around who will try and help. Arne.
Welcome to a great forum! Lots of good people with lots of experience so ask any questions you may have.
Thanks, all. I already know this is going to get addictive. I'm going to probably go the the HB shop to get the stuff to get started this weekend! Cant wait!
Welcome, from right down the road in Berwick PA. Make sure to get on Pete's (Simply Homebrew over in St. Johns) e-mail list. He will be taking orders for New York Juice soon.
Welcome to the forum! You found a great forum to join. Lots of great people here and tons of information to learn from.

Welcome Bover907, Don't wait any longer. Run to the HB store and stock up on carboys, when you think you have enough you need two more. Have fun, Bakervinyard